Introduction (Diana's Point of View)

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Part 1- Introduction (Diana's Point of View)

//1 Corinthians 13:13//

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

//1 John 4:18-19//

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us.


~"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."― Dr. Seuss~

I had never imagined myself to fall in love. 

Fall in love so badly, that all you could do was fall deeper without the fear of hurting yourself. 

I had read romance stories and had 'aww'ed and cooed when the characters would confess their love for one another. 

But the same love for myself?

It was a bizarre idea. Why would someone choose a simple white bread when they can get garlic bread? 

But my mindset had changed when I met him. 

It was this not-so-stormy day when I first saw him. Weather-wise.

But my mood was stormy.

It was as grey as a stormy day.

Some clouds were grey, and some were completely black. Nothing to penetrate it. 

A little ray of light was scared to come under. 

Some might say that I was in depression, but this wasn't depression. 

I was just extremely sad. My own father hated me. I was sure the kingdom hated their wallflower princess too. 

Nonetheless, there was an exception.

He came like a ray of sunshine in my life.

He was not scared to penetrate the clouds. 

In fact, he came with a seige engine to break the walls I had created!

That little ray, soon made my days brighter. 

For the first time, I realized that there does come a rainbow after a little rain.

He made my life just like the flowers.

Happy and wonderful.

Cheerful and bubbly.

My laughs were carefree for the first time.

For the first time in forever, my smiles were not forced.

I felt as if the sadness was never there.

I felt giddy every time he touched me.

My knees were weakened at his look. 

For the first time in my entire life, I felt beautiful.

Completely, utterly beautiful.

But, with the turmoil of these new emotions, I forgot that the storm can also returns after the rainbow.

A flower always dies at the end of a certain period.That our love had to be ceased because of some other priorities.

Nothing is forever. We have to succumb to the change our life brings us. 

We were not meant to be with each other, but we always loved each other.

The way he looked at me, the way he talked to me while pretending that there were no emotions between us, the way he treated me.

There are two smiles a person can produce.

The first one, is the fake one which we produce when we don't have a reason to smile. Or to simply say, 'Yes, I'm alright,' but in reality, you aren't.

The second one, is when someone's mere presence makes you smile.

He was the reason I had learned to really smile.

He was the reason behind my daydreams.

He was my everything.

He was Christopher, the man I loved, but didn't have courage to fight for. 

Copyright-2014, Do not copy the story.

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