Chapter 10- Announcements

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Hello Guys!

Thank you so much! I have position #309 in Chicklit! I know this is less but hey! It means a lot to me ! :))

Dedicated to @MandyYauger for her lovely compliments and also my fellow book club companions for their honest comments! Thanks a lot! :))

Chapter 10- Announcements

~“But he who dares not grasp the thorn Should never crave the rose.” ― Anne Brontë~

 “Hey! Diana!” Came a voice above me startling me from my book.

“Hello Jared.” I said looking at him with a glint of surprise in my eyes and a small smile on my face.

“Aren’t you looking beautiful?” He asked, making some space beside me and sitting there.

I blushed at his comment and smiled a little acknowledging his compliment.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked, breaking the awkward silence which lingered the area for few moments.

“Ask me anything!” He said with a grin on his face and amusement in his eyes.

“Why was this sudden dynamic change? Why did you suddenly become a sweetheart from an arrogant prick?” I asked.

This question has genuinely been going around in my mind since the day we again became friends.

“I just realized what a prick I was. You can just say that the other day I got a wakeup call and well yeah. I decided I should just make peace with an infallible person like you.” He mumbled.

I ignored his compliment and asked him, “What wakeup call are you talking about?”

“I came to know I was-

“More like, he planned to get into your pants.” Came another velvety baritone from the near end of the library.

“Chris?” I asked, looking bewildered.

He, however ignored my question but continued taking long strides towards us.

“What do you want from her? I swear to god Jared, I will not think twice before readjusting the map of your disgustingly ugly face.” He snarled.

“Chris, calm down! Were you eavesdropping?” I asked, trying to raise my eyebrow but failing miserably.

“No! I was trying to read Hamlet in the silent corner of the library, but I was disturbed by your obnoxious flirting. Please shut it down. This is a library, not a play area.” He snapped.

I took a step back, trying to comprehend what just happened.

“First of all, we weren’t flirting. Even if we were, it gives you no reason to snap back at me like that. Secondly, I never noticed you. So calm your horses. No need to get so choleric about it.” I tried to explain.

His glare softened and he sighed.

“I am sorry. It’s just that these Japanese forces are attacking random places in Europe. For God knows what. I’m just a bit tensed. So, yeah.” He concluded.

This lessened the anger flowing in my system.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat beside me.

I suddenly felt a pang of guilt shot through me as I realized I had completely forgotten about him.

“I better get going.” He mumbled as he went out of the library without any other word.

“Fifty shades of freed.” Chris mumbled from the other side of me.

Like A Black Rose. {UNDER MAJOR EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now