Chapter 7

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i dedicated this to @HorrorHearse because she gave me the idea that I should continue this story. 


well i have not updated in a MONTHS so i just want to say that i have FINALLY updated my story so i have no idea if this is really good or not. but i tried and i hope you like it! 

This story is mine, so please do not copy it. The only thing I own is Ryoga Kise as a character.


" You're an idiot, you know that?, " Kuroko deadpanned to Kise. 

" Ehhh? How can you say that to your best friend?, " Kise turned to Kuroko, heartbroken by his statement. 

" I thought we made this clear before," Kuroko continued walking to the book store Ryoga told him to meet up at. 

" What do you mean?," Kise looked at Kuroko, unsure, by what he meant.

" I meant, that one: you are not my best friend and, two: I have somewhere else to be so it would be nice if you stop following me for the time-being." 

" Hmph! Kurokochii is as mean as ever! You should try being more nice to me!" 

" I rather not do something I don't want to do." 

Kise ignored Kuroko's hurtful statement and looked up at his surroundings. He noticed a group of girls staring at him as he and Kuroko passed by a cafe, and looked up to show his charming smile. 

He was a model after all. 

 Then, Kise's thoughts wandered to Ryoga. He wondered how he was doing. They rarely talked in school, but he still cared and was naturally overprotective to anything that happened to him. He mentally sighed. What was going on with Ryoga? He's been acting strange, and he didn't even know about it. Kuroko told him. Maybe this was the effect of not wanting to your younger brother in school. They rarely talked nowadays and he was hoping for a chance to have some sibling bonding time. 

He remembered how Ryoga would cling to him when he was scared, and that brought a smile to Kise's face. 

Ah. The good old days. 

For a moment, he wondered when his brother stopped being afraid of things, stopped wanting him to help, stop coming to him, stop even socializing with him. 

He didn't get it. 

Weren't they brothers? 

He glanced sideways where he knew where Kuroko was and found him gone. Kise was too distracted by his thoughts to notice Kuroko wandered off without him. How could he?!

Kise ran down the pavement, turning to find even a small glimpse of the boy with light blue hair. 

Kuroko quickly waked off when he noticed Kise was lost in his own thoughts. He didn't want Kise accompanying him when he was going to meet up with Ryoga. 

He loved teasing Kise, it was amusing, but he knew that one of his close friends wouldn't have liked it if he brought Kise with him. 

Kuroko was aware of this. 

Not only that, but he knew that Ryoga had a brother complex which only made this situation more difficult. 

He inwardly sighed. Kuroko hoped Ryoga would fix things and explain his situation with Kise one day. 

" Tetsuya-kun." 

Ah. There he was. 

" Ryoga-kun, it's good to see you again. I apologize if it took me awhile, but your older brother kept pestering me. 

Ryoga stiffened at the mention of his brother. Kuroko noticed the uncomfortable look that bloomed onto Ryoga's face and immediately changed the topic. 

" Let's go to that new book store you wanted to check out." 

Ryoga looked at Kuroko and gave him a small thankful smile. Going to a bookstore always made him happy. He enjoyed reading because it gave him the idea that he will never have enough to read.

Kuroko glanced towards Ryoga and secretly smiled, as they continued walking. He was glad Ryoga was feeling better. 

" Hey Kuroko." 

Kuroko nodded, a sign that he was listening to what Ryoga was going to say.

" What do you think of my older brother?" 

Kuroko knew this question was eventually going to be asked so he knew where this was going to head.

" Ryoga-kun, I believe the question should be directed at yourself." 

Ryoga expected this. He knew Kuroko wouldn't give him a straight answer. He would want Ryoga to learn and figure it out himself. 

" I just think, I have had enough sometimes." 

Kuroko looked at him curiously. 

" Would you like to elaborate what you mean?" 

Ryoga inwardly sighed. 

" It's not like I hate my brother or anything it's more like I feel like he's had enough with me." 

Kuroko didn't respond, so he took that as a gesture to continue. 

" Sometimes when I see him I . . . see his eyes and I can't read them." 

" What's wrong with that, Ryoga-kun?" 

" It's the fact that I can't understand what he's trying to say to me. I look at him and whenever he stares at me it's . . . it's so blank. Not how you stare at people, no offense Tetsuya- ,

" None taken." 

" It's more like he looks at me like I'm not the same as him, like I am not even considered as his brother, more like as a nuisance and disturbance, someone to get in the way of what he wants." 

" When did this start Ryoga-kun?" 

" It started when he joined and started playing basketball at Teiko. " 

Kuroko had not said anything yet since they arrived at the bookstore. 

" Let's continue this later, Tetsuya. I don't want any chance of my brother hearing this since I know he doesn't like being around me. If he sees me hanging out with you, I know he would get upset." 

" Alright then. Let's meet up next week then because I am busy for the rest of the week." 

" That's fine with me. " 

They entered the bookstore together, but what they didn't realize was a figure hiding behind a street corner staring off into space with a pair of sad golden eyes. 

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