Chapter 8

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This is my story so please do not copy this. The only thing I own is Ryoga Kise as a character.


Ryoga didn't know where he was. Waking up somewhere he didn't know wasn't what he had in his normal agenda.  

He quietly observed where he was and noticed that the room he was in was a lot bigger than an average bedroom. There was also the fact that everything in the room seemed to be quite expensive.

Ryoga pused his glasses up and noticed that they weren't there and turned to his right to reach over for hi glasses as he calmly put them on. 

He analyzed his situation, thinking of where he was, so he leaped up out of the king-sized bed and walked over to the unnecessary gigantic window and pulled the curtains aside. 

Ryoga wasn't that surprised when he noticed where he was. He's been here before, when he was picking up his brother. 

What he didn't understand was why was he in Akashi's house? 

He pushed his glasses up and decided that it was about time he should leave Akashi's residence. 

Ryoga quickly walked to the door, only for it to be opened by Akashi himself. Akashi and Ryoga were about the same height since it seemed that his older brother was the tall one in the family. Since Ryoga was a lot shorter than his brother, his height was around Akashi and Kuroko's. 

He stared directly into Akashi's eyes, his eyebrow raised, silently asking why he was here in the first place. 

Of course, Akashi didn't answer and just smiled at him. 

" Ryoga, would you like to have some tea in the balcony?" 

Ryoga clearly had no idea where this was heading, but decided that if he wanted to know why he was here in the first place he should just listen to Akashi. This was not the time to overreact, something his older brother would be doing right now. He had to carefully observe where he is, think of the reason why he was here in the first place, and then find a way to leave. 

During all of this, Ryoga finally noticed Akashi walking ahead of him and leading him to the balcony. They walked in what seemed like a never ending hallway, but eventually they came to a stop. Ryoga carefully watched Akashi walk towards the balcony, always walking behind him to see what he would do. 

" Why are you so tense, Ryoga? All I wanted was for us to sit down and have a nice cup of tea. Of course we can also chat for awhile too. The butler will be coming soon with our tea." 

Ryoga looked at Akashi with a passive expression, not showing any emotion. 

" Now Ryoga I am perfectly aware that you would like to know the reason why you are here in the first place, but all I ask for is to sit down with a cup of tea and have a nice chat. " 

Akashi turned his head and looked out towards his garden. Ryoga scrutinized him and wondered what he was thinking about. 

" Something I will never know," Ryoga thought to himself. 

They both heard the butler come outside to the balcony at once, but didn't turn their attention to the butler. The butler left immediately after he placed down the two cups of tea.

Ryoga quietly took his place in the empty seat right across from Akashi and waited for him to say something.

" Akashi, to be frank, I don't exactly understand why you would take me to your house in the first place since we barely know each other and don't even talk." 

Ryoga watched Akashi silently take a sip from his tea, and patiently waited for his answer. 

He watched him place the cup down and stared into his eyes.

" Well, I would like to change that." 

Ryoga didn't quite understand Akashi's reason for this, but he would like to ask one thing.

" Does my family know I'm here?" 

" Of course, I'm not uncivlized and wouldn't go out of the way to kidnap you, I already informed them where you are." 

" Does my brother know?" 

" Yes, Ryota knows where you are." 

" He isn't worried?" 

" Who knows?" 

And at that Ryoga saw the amusement in Akashi's eyes, the smirk that is beginning to creep out onto his face. 

This doesn't seem to be looking good for Ryoga. 

" This may sound a bit cliche," Ryoga pushed his glasses further up his nose," but why do you even want me here? "

Without the smirk leaving Akashi's face, Ryoga watch him give him an amused skeptical look.

" Didn't I already explain this to you? I wanted us to be more . . . acquainted with each other." 

Ryoga wasn't amused. This had to be some game Akashi was playing and for some reason he wanted Ryoga to be a part of it.. Knowing his type of  " I am absolute" personality, Ryoga knew that there had to be more to this than that.

" I know you are overthinking this, " Akashi placed his finished tea down on the table and crossed his legs," but you are perhaps worrying over for nothing." 

" Well why shouldn't there be a reason for me to be?!" 

Akashi quickly stood up and walked over to Ryoga. He placed his finger under Ryoga's chin and Ryoga saw that Akashi was not amused any longer. 

He didn't say anything to Ryoga and just continued to stare at him. He noticed that his red eyes quickly changed color to his heterochromatic ones and he remained still and unmoving. 

He heard Kuroko tell him stories of a different side of Akashi and he realized that this must be it. Akashi stared down on him with his calculating gaze. 

No words were exchanged between the two, but Ryoga got the message on what Akashi was saying to him without even speaking. 

Akashi quickly let go of his chin, with a stoic face, and walked away. 

Ryoga heard the door close and knew that he was alone for now. He sat there shaken, unable to comprehend why he was not able to leave, why no one cared. that he was here with someone he barely even knew in the first place. 

He knew one thing though. 

When Akashi bluntly stared into his eyes, he knew that Akashi was being serious in what he meant. Ryoga now understood why even the Generation of Miracles feared him. 

It was because of Akashi's demanding personality to control.

And somehow Ryoga was involved in this even though he didn't even want to be. 

The Direction it Goes ( Kuroko no Basket Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu