Crack The Whip

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Crack Of The Whip

Saturday March 8th 2014 a strange start to the day for me living with a control freak who you are secretly in love with but you can't say anything because theirs a chance the man who you admire might kick you out of his life.

I felt the sting of the whip as it cut into me like the wind cutting through a December morning. I tried my best not to show any disgust on my face but I couldn't stop my features from forming a shocked expression of disbelief that the man I love laid a hand on me. Even if it was for both our pleasure, it just felt weird to have someone hit you with a whip during sex.

Taya "Please sir! Red sir!" Taya put her eyes down as taught by Christian when in the Red Room and looked at the floor. 

Christian heard the safe-word and stopped what he was doing and looked at Taya's hurt face. "Don't look at me like that. You knew what you were in for. Taya wasn't speaking like a good submissive. A submissive was required not to look at her Master/Dom unless spoken to or given permission. "You may speak."

Taya breathed heavily trying to collect her thoughts from what just took place. "I didn't think it would be like that."

Christian "Pain is only part of the experience I have planned for you. From pain comes pleasure. Christian went over to Taya to console her from the action that just took place but she pulled away from him. "What?"

Taya "I don't think I can do this."

Christian [Scoffs] "Can't do what? I told you what I was going to do." Christian held up the whip while Taya looks on while he whacks the edge of his desk making a deafening sound which made her jump.

Taya saw Christian's reaction to what she said and became nervous of the outcome she had to say to him but she couldn't even look at Christian right now so she turned away from him to go to her room. Taya forgot that you can't turn your back on your Dom so she wasn't surprised that Christian yelled at her.

Christian got angry. "Do NOT turn your back on me! Turn around or I'll hit you again and it'll be twice as painful!"

Taya "Sorry Sir." Christian looked at her to say the command. Taya turned back around to face Christian. Taya collected herself and did something she'd been wanting to do for a while now. Taya went over to Christian who was still standing like a statue looking questionable at what was going to happen. Taya took Christian by surprised when she lunge towards him acting like she was going to kiss him but struck his face with her fist causing his lips to bleed. "Fuck you Mr Grey and you're controlling ass!" Taya stormed off upstairs to her room leaving Christian to lick his wound. Taya was worried that he would follow her to attack her but he stood there in shock.

Christian saw Taya walking away from him and no other sub had ever done that before without some form of punishment. If another woman had hit him, Christian would have run after them and show them who was really in-charge but he let Taya safety leave...why? Was he developing feelings towards Taya? Currently not! Dom and Sub relationship never work out so it can't be that but could it be then?

Taya went to the room that was laid out for her and went over to the bed to lay down. Taya couldn't hold back the tears anymore so she let them flow. How could she let this happen to her? How could she let a man hit her the way he did? How could she think this would be a turn on? Well it's not, well no that's a lie it was a turn on at first but not the way he did it, so violent and with so much rage. "I'm such an idiot." Taya said to herself while she stare at the ceiling trying to figure out what to do next. "He did tell me he was going to use the whip. [Sighs] Shit." Taya rolled over and tried to go to sleep but she'd be woken up soon by Christian slipping into her room.

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