Shopping With Mr Grey/Remember Who You Are

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Shopping With Mr Grey

The next day they were walking around the mall and Christian stopped outside a elegant clothing store while Taya looked at him wondering what he was doing. "You know you still need a dress for my parents fundraiser."

Taya "Yes I do. You want me to try on some dresses for you?" Taya chuckles-because Taya already knew the answer.

Christian "I believe I do. Hold on a moment." Christian went over to the sale's person to arrange a deal. "Excuse me?"

Sales Person "Yes sir can I help you?"

Christian smiles while getting some money out of his wallet to give to the woman. "Yes I need this store for I'd say an hour or so, while my girl tries on some outfits, can that be arranged?" Christian slipped the woman a $100 dollar bill.

SP "Umm yes I suppose so." Looked at her co-worker who was a nervous 18 year old trainee who was overseeing the events. "Beth let's go get some lunch."

Beth "Okay." Looked at Christian and walked pass him and nearly fell into a clothing display nearly knocking him and herself over. "Oh s-sorry."

Christian show the girl about to fall into him so he grabbed her before she could do any damage while Taya looked on. "It's okay." Christian clears his throat and set the girl aside while looking at the manager. "So if you don't mind ladies my girl needs to find a dress for an event this weekend."

SP looked at Taya looking nervous at the dresses. "Is that her?"

Christian "Yes. That's my girl."

SP the sale's person was a middle aged woman who looked stuck up turned her nose up at Taya but didn't lead on but Christian saw it. "I can help her if you want me to stay."

Christian "No I can manage. I assure you you're store will remain intact when you return." Christian lead the women out of the store, while grabbing Taya to pull her into the room but not before locking the store and turning on the closed sign. "Now we won't be disturbed."

Taya "You didn't have to do that."

Christian smirk while walking around the room touching some of the satin materials of the dresses." Oh yes I did. I know what size you are so I could have ordered all these dresses and sent to the house." Christian smiles at Taya who turned to him.

Taya "Then why did you-?"

Christian "Because I can. And besides [Christian picked a baby blue satin dress and bought it over to Taya who smiled at him] I want you [kiss] in that fitting room and this was the best way I could think of."

Taya "Oh [giggles-kiss] since you put it that way I guess I'll go try this on, yes?"

Christian nodded while watching Taya walk away from him thinking- Damn am I falling for this girl? That's not like me. She's got a nice ass in those jeans. "Hurry [sat down in the chair infront of the fitting room] up."

Taya "Alright, alright, dang," Taya stuck her head out to look at Christian sitting waiting for her while he smirked at her. "Bossy."

Christian "You know it baby."

Taya went into the room, took off her underwear and just kept on her bra on so she'd know how her chest would look in the blue satin dress that hugged her body. Taya turned around and looked at her body before coming out to Christian. "Well whatcha think?" Taya spun around to show Christian.

Christian saw Taya with the Calvin Klein dress on that enhanced her features very well and he was worried other men might try to steal her but he had to admit the dress looked beautiful on her. Christian stood up, licking his lips while he got up to go over to Taya and grabbed her silky frame pulling her to him. "Mmm this I like but I think we'll have to try others on." [kiss]

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