Let's Go To Vegas Chapter 10

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Let's Go To Vegas 

Elena followed Christian twitter page and saw the tweet that he was getting married and this set her off. "Oh my God he's doing it. He's marrying that girl."

Anthony wasn't allowed to speak unless spoken to like a good Sub but he made the mistake in responding to what Elena said. "So?" Elena cracked the whip with so much rage it would have stopped a train in it's tracks.  Crack-hit Anthony in the back making him gasp against the wall. "She's not right for him. And you know better than to speak out of turn to me."

Anthony "Sorry mistress I'm so sorry."

Elena groaned at Anthony in frustration. "See you did it again." Elena whacked of the whip on Anthony's thigh making him gasp for breath. "I'll overlook it this time because you didn't know being new to this whole Sub/Dom relationship but don't you go thinking for one minute I'm going to get soft on you like Mr CEO and little Miss Music Lover you understand me?" Anthony was silent. "Very good." Elena un-cuffed Anthony from the wall and turned him to her. "Now this little miss perfect doesn't know you so do you think you can convince her to leave Christian so I can get to him?" Anthony didn't speak." You're a quicker learner. You may speak."

Anthony  "I don't know mistress I'm committed to you."

Elena "You're very sweet and this is true but I give you permission to seduce this girl and break them up."

Anthony "I will try mistress."

Elena "Do. Don't try. Or don't bother coming back."

Anthony "Yes mistress."

Elena "Do anything you can to break them up. I don't care if you have to rape the girl I want them broken up. If you don't, I will beat the shit out of you, do you understand?"

Anthony nodded and took the 2 hour flight on the red eye out of Seattle to Vegas and found out that the happy couple would be getting married at the Grand Canyon/Hoover Dam so he'll have to work his magic on Taya quickly. Anthony wasn't bad looking to say the least. He was only 22, from New York, Half-Italian on his Mother's side and Mexican on his Father's side so he had the European glow about him. He had wavy brown hair, blue eyes, 6"4", lean, muscular frame that would make any girl weep and he hoped it would work on Taya but she wasn't one to cheat on Christian or any of her boyfriends in the past so it would be a challenge. He had skills to seduce you with his looks and voice so he'll have to use those to his advantage to win Taya over. He wanted to make his mistress proud. Anthony bought a ticket for the Grand Canyon tour and noticed Taya by her blonde hair and saw Christian guarding her like a hawk so he'd have to plan this out to make a move on Taya without being detected by Christian or his guards who were sniffing around as well.

Christian and Taya left for the Grand Canyon trip on time with breakfast in their bellies, bags packed for the trip to see the sights and ready to be husband and wife.
Christian "You said you wanted a dress right?"

Taya "Well yes of course." Taya and Christian went to a dress shop to get a dress while Christian got a tux. Taya bought a satin sleeveless dress with roses on the front and it came with a see-though veil that didn't hide her face. Taya put on the dress and saw the price tag that cost $16,000. "Shit that's a bit much. I guess I could put it on the credit card but I don't know."

Sale's Woman - "You can't pay?-"

Christian "What's the problem here?"

SW "The dress your fiancee selected it a bit out of her price range sir. I could show her something else."

Christian simply nodded and handed the woman his gold master card. "I got it."

Taya "No sweetie you can't buy my dress."

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