Piano Man/Dinner With Grey

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Piano Man/Dinner With Grey 

Taya woke up at 11:00am to get to work at 12pm. Taya tried not to wake Christian but it was an epic fail. "Sorry I'm just going to work." Taya kisses Christian lips a few times while he stroked her hair. "Care to drive me to work? That is, if you're not busy."

Christian looked around and grabbed his phone to make sure he didn't have an appointments that day. "Do I look busy?"

Taya looked down at the Christian nakedness under the sheets. "You look naked."

Christian smiled, grabbed Taya and dragged her down to the bed to kiss her a few times. "I love [kiss] being naked on top of you. [kiss] Stay."

Taya giggles-kissed Christian's lips a few times. "Is that an order or a request?"

Christian [shrugs] "A little bit of both."

Taya chuckles-kiss-sat up a bit to give Christian some room. "Sorry but I can't be late. [kiss] I have to teach some classes today."

Christian "Oh okay. What instrument?"

Taya checked her schedule on her phone. "Well Sammy she's learning how to play a Justin Bieber song on the guitar. And Timmy he wants to learn how to play some Elton John songs on the piano. You wanna stay and watch?"

Christian "Possibly. Elton John?"

Taya "Yes each month starting this year we are having Love My Artist Month where we feature a artist like Elton John or Jimi Hendrix ya know. It teaches the kids to love different artist and the history of music."

Christian drove Taya to work and walked her to the door. "I'm going to get us some coffee before you start work okay?"

Taya "Sounds good. You know what I like."

Christian "That I do." Christian gave Taya a quick kiss before leaving her. 

Taya went into work saw her boss Jeff Harrison who was an older gentleman in his early 50s, brown hair, green eyes and had a southern draw like Taya because he was from East Texas and came to Seattle for his kids due to a painful divorce. "Hey Jeff."

Jeff "Hey Tay." Jeff looked at his watch and Taya was usually never late but she was 5 minutes late today and he took notice of Christian when he dropped her off and noticed Taya's hand was bruised and this raised some concern. "You're late."

Taya "Yeah sorry I had a rough start this morning."

Jeff "Everything alright?"

Taya "Yeah. Why wouldn't they be."

Jeff had noticed lately that Taya was a lot edger lately and high strung about things recently. "Well you seem a bit out of sorts. Everything okay with your friend." Jeff saw Christian about to come into the store. 

Taya knew it was safer to play the couple's card so she went with it. "Boyfriend, yes, everything's fine. Walked away from Jeff to go over to Christian. Hey honey."

Saw Taya coming over to him and noticed Jeff and noticed she called him honey which was strange but he didn't draw attention to it. Christian leaned down to kiss Taya's lips and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Is that guy bothering you?"

Taya shook her head while hugging Christian to send Jeff a message and whispered. "That's my boss."

Christian "Mmm I see." Christian went over to Jeff to introduce himself "Christian Grey the boyfriend." Christian extended his hand for Jeff to shake. 

Jeff "Hey Christian Jeff Harrison Tay's boss."

Christian "Mmm well it was nice meeting you." Christian noticed Jeff gave him a dirty look so he gave him an evil one right back at him. Mentally saying Taya was his to leave her alone.  Christian handed Taya her coffee. "Here you go. I'm going to go look around. If that's okay?"

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