All Tied Up/Gym Session

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All Tied Up With Nowhere To Go

Taya "Yes sir..." Taya took off her clothes and went to go lay down the red satin King size bed and watched Christian get the blue rope which was not a color he used for this room so Taya had a feeling he got it for her. "New [smiles] rope sir?"

Christian "Yes I went to the hardware store and found this Lyon rope in blue because I knew it's your favorite color." Christian was tying Taya's arms and legs to the bed while he spoke. "Is that okay? Not too tight?"

Taya "Feels fine..." Taya pulled the rope that felt really soft on her wrist. "Feels really nice."

Christian secured the rope and felt the rope while looking at Taya. "I know..." Christian grabbed the flogger and showed it to Taya who got scared. "No need to be scared. This is a flogger this won't hurt you, it'll only be tiny nicks on your skin but trust me you will love this. Do you trust me?"

Taya "Yes. [smiles while nervously chuckles] In theory."

Christian smiles and heard Taya's nervousness and saw her close her eyes to embrace the pain. "Open your eyes..." Taya did and Christian lightly brushed the flogger over her leg and Taya yelped from the effect of the leather straps that hit her skin causing it to turn a pinkish hue. 

Taya felt the flogger that was a weird situation on her skin but it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. Just a bit taken aback by it. Taya looked at Christian who smiled at her and waited for her reaction. "Holy crap."

Christian "Mmm I know..." Christian struck Taya again on her breasts and heard her breathing get faster so he had to bring the heat. Christian hit her crotch that was dripping wet from her arousal and was loving it. "So wet and I've [flick of the flogger Taya moaned out a sigh of relief] barely touched you."

Taya "Touch [moan] me please sir."

Christian hit Taya's flat stomach before straddling her body. "I'll [kiss] touch you in good time." Taya nodded while Christian leaned up to strike Taya side with the flogger cause her to wince with pain. "Tay it's okay embrace the pain."

Taya embraced the blow and it felt painful to the point she sucked in a hard breath while looking at Christian face telling her to embrace it but could she? "I can do this..." Taya inhaled the pain and nodded to Christian who hit her again. "Fuck okay that hurt a bit more than I hoped."

Christian "No talking. Just feel it and take the pain Tay." Christian hit Taya's crotch again and she moaned out louder than before. "Now I'm going [Christian got on top of Taya's body] to fuck you now Tay. Are you ready?"

Taya nodded and embraced Christian fucking her and it was different this time, oh sure it felt great and she climax at the right moment and felt Christian doing the same on top of her but something about this whole thing felt weird.

Christian "You okay?"

Taya "I'm f-fine."

Christian untied Taya from the bed while talking. "No you're not fine. Talk to me and tell me what's wrong."

Taya "It's just this room can we go to my room or yours please." Taya closed her eyes from the brightness of the room.

Christian "You can stay with me."

Taya "Bless you."

What You Need Is A Good Work Out

The next day Taya woke up to an empty bed and went looking for Christian who was working out looking extremely hot with sweat streaming down his body.

Christian turned around and saw Taya in the doorway staring at him. Smiles and motions for her to enter the room. To Carlos who was his trainer. "You can go now. [drinking some water] Thank you." Carlos left while greeting Taya who came into the room. "Hey did you sleep well?"

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