Refresher Course

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Refresher Course

Christian [To Taylor] "I'm going to go pick up Taya."

Taylor "Would you like me to follow sir?"

Christian "No I'm fine. I'm picking up Taya from work and then having dinner so we'll be back later."

Taylor "Very good sir."

Christian turned around and he could have sworn he saw a smile on Taylor stone face but Christian didn't draw attention to it. Christian and Taya had been going out on "dates" for a few weeks now and it was weird to act like a regular couple but lately Christian had started to grow attached to Taya but he would never let on because that would break the contract he had set up with his Dom/Sub relationship. Of course Christian made the contract so he could break a rule if he wanted to. Christian drove to Music Central a local music store where Taya worked as a teacher/employer to pick her up for a dinner date and hopefully some sex. They hadn't had sex yet which was strange for Christian who had sex 4 times a day so he was being patience with Taya because she had no idea he was into BDSM lifestyle so he wanted to ease her into it so hopefully tonight she'll want to do it. Christian saw Taya changing her guitar strings when he walked into the store. "Hey."

Taya looked up from what she was doing and saw Christian standing there in a blue knitted sweater, blue jeans that were probably designer because Christian wouldn't be caught dead in Levi, along with some brown loafers looking extremely cute with his brown wavy hair just blown by the Seattle wind. "Hey."

Christian "Are you almost ready to go?"

Taya "Almost I need to finish this and then we can go." Taya remembered one of her kids had accidently spilled juice on her shirt. "Shit I need to go home to change. Is that okay?"

Christian "Not a problem." Christian waited for Taya to finish packing up her stuff and carried her guitar to his car. "So when did you learn how to play?"

Taya "When I was 6 from my Grandpa back in Virginia." They went to Taya's apartment her Uncle help set up for her so she could go to school and work at the same time. It was only 20 minutes from school and 10 minutes from work so it worked out nicely. Taya lived alone but had a black cat named Midnight who was really friendly so she came up to them when she got home. "Oh hey girl..." Taya showed the kitty who purred at Christian. "You remember Midnight?"

Christian pet Midnight's head. "Yes I remember [to the cat] Hello."

Taya put the cat down and saw her bowl was empty. "Let me go feed her and then I'll go change." [Christian nodded]

Christian looked around Taya's apartment and noticed Taya's huge DVD collection, the shelves must have contained 300 DVDs and Blu-rays. "You have a lot of movies."

Taya [smiles] "I do. That's my passion I want to direct and make movies and maybe produce music for the films and write."

Christian "Mmm how many movies do you have?"

Taya "Oh I'd say 350 give or take a few. I got some [Taya went over to her stack of films she bought the other day] more the other day." Taya handed the films to Christian.

Christian "Hmm..." Christian looked at the collection of classic films from Casablanca, Psycho [special edition], Star Wars films [all 6 in one package] Indiana Jones collector's edition and The Toy Story films in a Toy Box collection. "Toy Story?"

Taya [smirk] "I love the Toy Story films. Ever seen them? [Christian shook his head] Oh they are really good, we should watch them sometime if you want."

Christian "But there kids films."

Taya "Well yeah but I love them anyway. I cried at the 3rd one. [Christian chuckled at this] Laugh all you want but you'll see you might cry to."

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