No More Sub For You

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No More Sub For You 

Christian "I am taking you shopping."

Taya "But you've done enough for me already I don't need anything else."

Christian "It is my job to provide for you and your needs. And my parents are having a boring fundraiser at their house in a few weeks so I need for you to look outstanding."

Taya "Only if your sure I mean won't that be a lot of money?"

Christian ran his fingers down Taya's arm. "Money is no object to me. I don't mind spending it on you."

Taya noticed a change in Christian but she didn't want to jinx it by fighting with him about money so she just nodded. "Thank [kiss] you." Taya looked at her watch and noticed it was almost 8am and she needed to be at school at 8:30am to take her test. "Shit I need to get to class. You promised you'd drive me."

Christian "I shall drive you. Did you eat breakfast? [Taya nodded] Take your pill?"

Taya "I did. I was thinking couldn't I go on the patch instead those pills give me headaches."

Christian "I will make you an appointment with my Doctor to get you on the patch." Christian drove his Audi R8 to Taya's school with his security behind him and Taya was about to get out. "No don't get out yet."

Taya "Oh-[giggles] I'm going to be late."

Christian "I am going to walk you in."

Taya "Oh [blushes-smiles] you don't have to do that."

Christian took off his seat-belt, smiles at Taya while kisses her lips. "I want to." Christian got out of the car and gracefully with no effort opened Taya's car door taking her hand. "What kind of man would I be if I didn't walk my girl to the door."

Taya "How very southern of you."

Christian "Southern of me?"

Taya "Well that's what men in the south do, gentlemen's way I guess."

Christian "My dear I am a gentleman in everything I do." Christian walked Taya to school but he wasn't allowed to come into the actual building because he wasn't a student. "Good security here I must say." Taya looked up at him while Christian ran his thumb over her lower lip. "Maybe I should become a student here so I can walk you to class."

Taya [giggles-kisses Christian thumb while he smiled at her] "That would be a trip Mr Big CEO going to a Tech school what would you study?"

Christian "You. [kiss] Go take your test. Good luck."

Taya "Thanks I'll need it. I'll see you in an hour?"

Christian walked away from Taya and when he heard an hour, he turned back around to look at her surprised. "An hour?"

Taya "Yeah I just have to take this exam and then I am done with classes today."

Christian "Hmm [looked around at the places he could go to while he waited] well no reason for me to go back home. Hmm I guess I could do a little shopping while you take your test. Okay I'll met you back here in an hour."

Taya "Okay. [kiss] Bye."

Christian "Laters baby." Christian went around to some of the shops in downtown Seattle with Taylor guarding him and noticed a music store with some guitars in the window so he decided to go in to see if he could find a guitar for Taya. Oh sure he could have went to her workplace but he wanted it to be a surprise. Christian noticed a blue and silver electric guitar and went to pick it up but a sale's person came over to interrupt.

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