Chapter 7

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Keefe's POV

Keefe locked the door behind them as they entered the first room they'd been assigned to.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Sophie asked. "Are you trying to kill me?" She unlocked the door.

"Hey, we don't want Fitz or the Forklenator to walk in."

"Why...KEEFE!" Sophie puzzled it out, blushing while whisper-shouting his name. "We have to clean." she protested.

"But you're pretty. And we're alone." Keefe whined. Sophie laughed.

"You're cute." She said.

Keefe just wiggled his eyebrows, getting closer to her. He leaned in and Sophie turned her head at the last moment. "HEY!" He objected.

"Focus, Keefe. Here, I'll do the lifting and you can sort through the boxes once I've brought them down." Sophie turned towards the boxes.

"Why can't I lift stuff? You're the short one here." Keefe offered, for once sincere.

"Keefe, I can handle it. Remember? I have extra brain strength from my messed up genes."

Keefe rested his arm on her shoulder, which he had started doing all the time, to Sophie and Biana's annoyance. Sophie shrugged his arm off, but she couldn't hide her smile. She faced Keefe and leaned in to kiss him. Keefe took a step back, knocking over a heavy metal bucket. The clang echoed off of the dark walls, and Sophie and Keefe were hunched over laughing.

"So much for being...romantic!" Sophie teased, between gales of laughter.

"What're you on about?" Keefe said. "I clearly know how to show a girl a good time." He gestured around the dusty, dark room which had a single balefire light in it. Sophie, who been composing herself, broke down again in a fit of laughter.

"Okay, now let's actually get some work done." Sophie said once she'd calmed down, and for a few minutes they worked to unpack the Black Swan's equipment from the trunks and boxes.

"Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed about ten minutes later. Keefe looked up. "Pick up the pace!"

"If only there was something that could make me work faster." Keefe suggested innocently. To his surprise, Sophie played along.

"I'd imagine this has to do with me," she suggested. "Does this help?" Sophie walked over to Keefe, so that their faces were inches apart. His eyes flickered downward, and they kissed again. It was romantic and comforting, and Sophie's heart was beating out of control. Her mind was blissfully blank until a strangled noise came from by the door. In a second, Sophie was stumbling backwards across the room, but the damage had been done. Fitz was standing in the doorway, frozen and a look of shock on his face.

"That's why the door was supposed to be locked!" Keefe whispered out of the side of his mouth in Sophie's direction.

"What." Fitz said. "What were you doing to Sophie?" His voice was devoid of any emotion.

"Hey," Keefe objected. "It was consensual! I wasn't doing anything!"

"Oh, you weren't doing anything." Fitz mocked, his voice escalating. "I come downstairs looking for a splint, and find you...flailing about together."

"A splint?" Sophie asked. Both of the boys ignored her.

"You have NO RIGHT to tell ME what I can and can't do. That was a private moment, and you were the one who barged in–" Keefe started.

"Barged in." Fitz muttered.

"So you can't complain, okay!"

"I didn't know it was normal to find the girl who told me she was in love with me to be with your best friend less than a day later!"

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