Chapter 13

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Kara sighed as the nurse called her back to the examination room. She was in a daze as her feet dangled from the table, "Please be good news.. Maybe they made a misdiagnosis."

Her attention was pulled to the door as the doctor entered, "Hello Kara.. How was Japan?"

"Good.." she gave a nervous smile, "Is this good or bad news?"

The doctor sighed as she looked at her chart, "Well.. Both. Your leukemia is only in stage two. So we are going to start a small round of chemotherapy, then we will wait and see."

"Can I still work?"

"Yes, but chemo symptoms are different for everyone. The first day, you may have none at all, but then the next two, you could be sick as a dog..  You may suffer.." Kara locked down in a daze as the doctor went on to tell her the side effects of the treatment. She smirked as she looked back to her question, "Kara..? Are you alright?"

"What are my chances?"

"Right now, remission is seventy to eighty percent chance."

A tear eased out of Kara's eye, "And if it comes back?"

The doctor pursed her lips, "After five years.. Twenty six percent chance of survival.."

Kara's mouth dropped as she looked down and took a deep breath, "Time.. Suffering only buys you time.. Is it for you or the people you love?"

The doctor reached and squeezed her hand, "Both.."


Liam smirked as Kara shyly stepped to his desk, "I.. Need a few days off please.."

"What for?" She sighed and handed him confidential doctors note. It just started the doctors name and office, including the time needed off. Liam cut his eyes up back to her, "Everything alright?"

Kara nodded with a pressed smile, "Yes sir.."

He cocked a questionable eyebrow to her, "I want to see you Friday night. 7 o'clock. My apartment."

She gulped loudly, "I.." Liam tilted his head as though he was about to challenge her. Kara pursed her lips and nodded, "Yes sir."

On her lunch break and against her better judgment, she found herself staring at her computer screen as she researched Chemo symptoms.

Hair loss
Easy bruising and bleeding
Anemia (low red blood cell counts)
Nausea and vomiting
Appetite changes
Mouth, tongue, and throat problems such as sores and pain with swallowing
Nerve and muscle problems such as numbness, tingling, and pain
Skin and nail changes such as dry skin and color change
Urine and bladder changes and kidney problems
Weight changes
Chemo brain, which can affect concentration and focus
Mood changes
Changes in libido and sexual function
Fertility problems"

Kara's mouth dropped open as she read the last one, "Fertility problems?" She then jumped as her phone buzzed against her desk. Kara sighed and rolled her eyes, "Hi Janet.."

"Hey bitch.. What's for dinner tonight?"

Kara couldn't help but chuckle, "Im not your mom.. Feed your own damn self.. Besides, I have to rest tonight, and I have plans the next night."

Janet sat up straight on their couch, "Who ya little slut..?"

"I'm not telling you.."

Janet rolled her eyes, "I swear if it's tiny dick, I'll kick your perfect ass."

Kara threw her head back, "No! Not him... Ever.."

She smiled as she heard her smacking her gum, "So, when do you start your treatment?"

Kara looked down with pain on her face, "Tomorrow.."

Janet's lip quivered as she hid the sadness in her voice, "I'll be there to take ya home.."

Kara pressed her eyes tight, "Thanks. I'll talk to you later."

Janet's voice shook as she spoke, "Okay.. Bye.." She started to sob after she hung up the phone.

Kara stared out her sky-rise view with a dazed tear soaked face.


Two days later
Kara ran as fast as she could to reach the toilet. Janet cringed as she held back her hair, "Jesus.. all this and no hangover..? "

Kara slightly chuckled as she flushed the toilet, "Thanks for holding my hair.."

Janet helped her eased her aching body up straight and to the couch, "Shit, it ain't nothing.. How many times have you done that for me?"

Kara eased her eyes closed as she sat down, "Why don't you go grab that nice bowl of legal Chemo Kush and smoke some with me?"

Janet placed her hands in her hips, "Okay, but I'm rolling it.."

Kara yelled from the couch, "Don't make it a fatty! That shit is expensive!"

Janet fluttered her fingers as Kara lit the blunt, "Let's shot gun this bitch.."

Kara slightly held in her breath as she spoke and exhaled, "Hell yeah.."

While enjoying their medicating session, Janet started to giggle to herself, "Ya know.. I use to buy myself presents and leave them for myself when I smoked, it was a never ending surprise party.."

Kara cackled as she  threw her head back and picked up another joint. Her chuckle eased as she lit it and spoke with pressed lips, "Cancer is a fucking bitch." Janet watched her as she took a drag and exhaled, "But I love sweet Mary Jane.."

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