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With an excited grin, you grabbed Sherlock's hand. He smiled and held your elbow to help you climb out of the classroom into the chilly spring air.

Once your feet hit the stone you threw a glance back through the window. Again, no one had seen you. Bizarre. You looked back at Sherlock.

"What now?" You whispered, still wary of any passers by. Sherlock's ocean eyes glimmered like a child on Christmas as he stared into yours.

"Now we fly. Get into my coat!" He opened his jacket for you to get in. This day was getting weirder and weirder, but you had nothing to loose so you did it. You got into the random man's trench coat.

He waited until you were well inside before closing it up around you. You had to admit, it was very cosy. The feeling of akwardness had disapparated with the close proximity, so you kinda just put your arms of his chest and wondered what would come next.

"Now for the magic. Do not be startled, (y/n), most mortals have never witnessed such feats of nature."
You nodded, taking it in.

"I'm sorry, I've got to ask. What exactly are we doing?"
He smiled again, that brilliant smile.

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to tell you. You remember Carl Powers from the show, right?"

"Yeah. That kid that died. What about him?" You asked, confused as to what he had to do with anything.

"Well, I was writing my memoir about all my adventures in London, and it came to me that I never actually found all the details of Power's death. You know how much the details vex me." He explained. "So, the plan is, we go back in time, find the young Carl and discover why he was killed."

"Ok... but why do you need me? I mean, this is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I'm not complaining or anything, but I'm just an average girl!"
At that he grabbed your cheeks and leaned closer.

"Oh, (y/n), you're anything but average. I've been looking for someone perfect for the job for weeks, and when I found you, I knew it was you I needed. Come on, there's no time to loose!"

You were flattered, but that still left a lot of questions unanswered. Sherlock began to speedwalk towards a big old oak tree on the other side of the yard. Seeing as you were still in his jacket you had to do an awkward little run to stop you from falling over. He was picking up speed, and as you neared the tree you felt the strangest sensation in your feet. It was almost as if there were thousands of sparkles beneath you, propelling you upwards.

You looked down, and they were.

In a spell of rainbows and glitter, the two of you were still running, but slowly rising up into the air. The wind rushed past your ears as you stuck your arm out to touch the magnificent vein of colour. Time seemed to slow, the seconds becoming hours. Sherlock grasped your waist, scared you might fall as you yelled an ecstatic cry of freedom.
A real Titanic moment.

A sharp voice ringing through the yard broke your trance.
"Oi! You! Get down now!!"

You looked back, still galloping in time with Sherlock. Oh no! Mrs BakeArse (or whatever her name was) must have seen you from the staffroom window because she was hot on your tail, a group of unfit teachers right behind her.

"Sherlock! What do we do?" You panicked, out of breath. Your legs were getting tired now and you didn't know if you could outrun the adults chasing you.

Sherlock glanced behind to check what was going on. At the same time, the tree was getting closer and closer. You saw the hazard moments before you collided, but there was nothing you could do.

"Sherlock, watch out!!!!!" You warned.
His head turned back round just in time to see you both go whirling into the branches of the ancient tree.

A Sherlock Adventure (Sherlock Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now