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Moriarty glanced back at you judgementally and snickered.

"Where'd you pick this one up Shirley? Looks like a hussy ya got there"

The boys behind him guffawed at the insult. You felt the blood rush to your face and you went completely red. He was implying you were a prostitute? The cheek! You didn't know what to say, so you stuttered out the first response that came to your mind.

"Yeah, well, fuck you, you Irish twat"

He didn't see that one coming and his eyes widened a little in surprise. Sherlock raised his eyebrows in bemusement but said nothing.

"Ooh, a feisty one are we?" Moriarty looked at you with a little more respect. "I like that."

You had regained your composure, and now stepped closer to him.
"You won't like it when I jam my fist down your throat."

His gang laughed a little in astonishment, until he shot them an 'I'll-kill-you' glance that shut them up instantly. Clearly he wasn't used to being stood up to. He stepped right up to you until you could feel his warm breath on your skin. Your heart rate quickened as you looked him defiantly in the eye. He whispered so only you could hear.

"I'd like to see you try that sometime."
His smooth voice sent shivers down your spine, your mind whirling at the proximity. Your mouth fell slightly agape as his eyes bore into yours.

Sherlock tugged at your elbow to pull you back from him and you fell out of the trance. Moriarty smirked at his effect on you. Your head hung in embarrassment and suddenly you had nothing to say. Thankfully Sherlock spoke.

"This is (Y/N). She's my new assistant. We're here for... research."

Moriarty winked.
"Ohh, research. I get ya." He held out his hand. "Jim Moriarty."

You took the handshake and felt his soft grip. His warm touch lingered on yours for a moment, his thumb brushing your skin, but he quickly withdrew his hand and returned it to his pocket.

Then his face froze over into deathly seriousness.

"You better not be here to interfere with my business. Stay out of it."

Sherlock lied nonchalantly. "We're not here for you, dont worry."

Your eyes were caught by a skinny boy stood to the right of Moriary. His face was stoic, but he had gentle blue eyes that seemed to apologise for his friend's rudeness. He had long brown hair that reached to about his neck and was swept back from his face, revealing a tanned countenance and a sharp jawline. He was alert and wary. It seemed Moriarty's friends were used to his impulsivity.

"Well, we'd better be off." He smiled coyly at you. "So nice to meet you, (y/n)". The way he said your name with such purpose made your spine tingle again. He held it on his mouth as if he was savouring the word.
With one final glance back at you, he turned and saunted off, his gang following with obediently.

You stood there, speechless, feeling a whole mix of emotions.

You had just met Jim Moriarty, easily the COOLEST villain on TV, and he was just as cheese-meltingly hot in real life. This was every fan's dream! You couldn't believe how lucky you were. But, lo and behold, he was also an asshole. You were part hyped about talking to him, and part fuming from his comment about you. Who says things like that? You wished you had just slapped him then and there. He was so pitiless it made your blood boil. You hated being humiliated like that. But then there was something else... the way he made your skin prickle and your heart beat faster. You hated feeling like that.

"Ugh!" You growled. "Who the fuck does he think he is?"

Sherlock laughed. "I don't know what you expected. He is a murderer. They aren't known for their excellent bedside manners." He began to walk across the courtyard and you followed, squinting up at him as the the sun scattered rays of orange across his pale face.
He rubbed his hands together and grinned.

"We're on a roll! I thought we'd have to waste some time watching his gang until I found some way to get in close..."

He looked at you calculatingly.

"But it seems an entry point has revealed itself already."

From now on I will try to make the chapters longer, to minimise how many ads you have to watch. Ah! Ads! The bane of my existence!
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A Sherlock Adventure (Sherlock Short Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin