Back in Time

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A blinding flash of brilliant light, and you were gone.

You were falling through time and space, hollering at the top of your lungs and yet the only sound you could hear was that song from the 70's...

Staying Alive.

In an instant your feet hit a carpeted floor and your eyes focused on your surroundings. You were in a darkened room, all you could see was the faint outlines of some chairs and tables. You recognised it instantly as your French classroom, just slightly different.
To your left, Sherlock was sat waiting for you and fiddling with some sort of screwdriver thing. When you turned to him he looked up and smiled. He stood, and you now registered the fact that he was a lot younger. His skin was smoother, his jawline less dominant and his hair more rugged, but even in the dim lighting his eyes still bore the resemblance of an ocean after a storm.

He now looked to be about your age. With an eager grin he put the tool in his coat pocket, which he was somehow still wearing.

"Where are we?" You asked in a hushed tone. You didn't know why you were whispering but you felt uneasy here.

"This room, (y/n) is the same room you were in only a few minutes ago. Except, it's twenty years earlier!"


You shut your eyes to process the information. When you opened them, Sherlock was still staring at you avidly.

"Yes, really! Now can you please get your little head around this quickly, we have things to do."

You rolled your eyes. Sherlock was going back to his usual snarky self from the show. At least he might start making some sense about things.

"Come on, let's go." He walked to the door. "I take it you'd be interested in seeing your school twenty years in the past?"

You couldn't say you were too excited, but eh well. It's not every day you meet a time traveling consulting detective with a flair for taking randomers on adventures. So, you did what anyone would do and followed the sociopath to who knows were.

He opened the door for you and you walked into the hallway. It was strange, being in a place you knew so well but was so different. You assumed Sherlock didn't know his way around here, so you lead him to the door that opened onto the yard you were flying over twenty years in the future.

"So, what now?" You quizzed and looked up at your companion's pale countenance. The two of you went through the doors and came out into the striking sun. Sherlock squinted and scanned the yard full of school kids lingering about.

"Well, I'm guessing it's break, so it would be a good idea to try and find Powers before lessons start?"
You hummed in agreement and you both started to walk down towards the other buildings.

As it turned out, you wouldn't need to find Carl Powers. Just as you neared the sports hall, he came from behind the corner, surrounded by a large (and frankly intimidating) group of boys.

And leading those boys, you recognised instantly -although he was a lot younger- the Spider-Psychopath, The Consulting Criminal, The Napoleon of Crime:

James Moriarty.

A Sherlock Adventure (Sherlock Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now