The Plan

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"Me? What?" You cried. "He hates me! What do you expect me to do?"

Your mind was racing with questions. A feeling of uncertainty had settled in your stomach like sand at the bottom of a lake. Everything was happening so quickly you couldn't get your head around it.

"He doesn't hate you. Moriarty shows his appreciation in different ways." He paused."I think he likes you."

You were gobsmacked. "Likes me? He called me a whore! If that's being liked then I'd hate to think what he's like to his friends."

Sherlock chuckled and came to a stop in the shade of a large chestnut tree. Students milled about, enjoying the uncommonly sunny weather.
"Listen, class starts in about four minutes. I want you to observe Moriarty's gang from afar. And when the time is right, start getting closer."

You raised an eyebrow. "Closer?"

"Start talking to the individuals. Ask around, try and find out which one is Carl." He paused and looked you dead in the eye, his brow creased with concern.

"But be very careful, (Y/N), these people can be dangerous. Whatever you do, don't talk to Moriarty alone. Promise me this."

"Yeah. Pinky." A greenfly landed on your hand and you nudged it gently, wondering if he was as lost as you felt right now.

Sherlock took you by the shoulders to make you look at him. "(Y/N), I'm serious.You're too valuable an asset to be put at risk, so avoid him when at all possible. My plan is to use you when the time is right, but I'll be there to ensure your complete safety."

His hand reached into his coat pocket and withdrew a folded piece of paper which he handed to you.

"Here's your timetable. I tried to get you into the classes that some of the gang members take."

You looked at it and groaned. "You signed me up for French? And Art History? They have to be the two most boring subjects that exist!"

"You're also taking Philosophy and Chemistry. But don't worry, you're just there for reconnaissance." He laughed. "You won't actually have to do any work."

He said that like you wouldn't understand it if you tried.

"I got an A in Advanced Biochemistry last year. I'm not stupid."

"I know. I also know you are the top of your class in Physics, can speak three languages and had read the entire works of Dante by the age of nine. Why do you think I chose you." He said thoughtfully.

There was silence for a moment as he examined you carefully. You gazed back at him, admiring his long eyelashes and soft lips. The way the sun threw long shadows over his face and made his jaw seem sharper than ever, as if you could reach out and touch it and your fingers would bleed. You wondered-

"Right." He broke the silence and checked his watch. "I'd better get going. I'm sure you'll be able to find your way to your next class on your own. Are you clear on what your objective is?"

"Yes. Watch from afar, collect info, and avoid you-know-who." You tilted your head as he started to walk off. "What are you gonna do?"

Sherlock just flipped up his coat collar and gave an enigmatic smile.

And then he was gone.

How dramatic, you thought. Your head was spinning, so you sat down on a bench under the tree. The wood was cool to your skin and calmed your thoughts.

What am I doing here? You laughed to yourself in disbelief. One moment you were sat in class, the next you where on some mad adventure. It dawned on you that you were very lucky to have been saved from the boredom of your reality. Because that's what you had been- bored. Bored with school, the people in it, bored with life. Until now.

And, you had to admit, you loved the 80s. The music, the clothes, the funky mullets, they were just great times. You had always wished you could have experienced that era, and now you were. Brilliant!

With that, you strengthened your resolve and decided that whatever you had to do, you would do it. You were ready.

"Hi, um, (Y/N)?"

A inquisitive voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked up to see the skinny boy from earlier approaching you. He wore a tan leather jacket, baggy jeans and striped high-top trainers. He ran a hand through his long hair and sighed.

"Look, I came to apologise about what Jim said before. He can be an arse. Are you okay?"

You were shocked. You didn't think gangsters said sorry.

"I'm fine, thanks." You smiled. "It's no big deal, I'm used to ignoring what people say."

He looked pleased with your answer. "D'you mind if I sit?"

You nodded and he took a seat beside you. As you got a closer look at his face, you noticed a thin white scar that traveled from the end of his left eyebrow to the lobe of his ear. It looked old, but painful. He saw you staring and you looked away quickly.

He didn't seem to mind. "I've not seen you around here before. Are you new?"

"Um.. yeah. I just started this week." You changed the subject. "If Moriarty is such an arse, as you say, how come you're friends with him?"

"He's not always like that." He shrugged. "Anyway, I've known him since we were kids. He can be nice when he wants to be."

"What have you got next?" He said, nodding to the timetable in your hands.

You examined the sheet. "Ah.. Philosophy in lecture room L7."

He looked happily surprised. "Me too! What a nice coincidence, eh?"

Yeah, coincidence, you thought.

The bell signaling the end of morning break rang, and students started leaving for their next lesson. The boy stood up.

"I'll take you there. You're gonna hate Professor Donovan though, he's such a dick." He laughed, his voice a warm and hearty vibration. You couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, you never told me your name." You said as you followed him to class.

"Oh yeah." He stuck out his hand to introduce himself.

"I'm Carl. Carl Powers."


Ooh! And so the game begins! Hope you're liking this, it's taking me ages to write lol.

Btw just want to clarify that Carl's 'long' hair is like the length of Steve's from Stanger Things, not long long. I'm not that crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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