♡ Chapter 12 ♡ Peanut Butter & Jelly Natsuki

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Natsuki sat infront of MC with her poem. "So pretty boy, what do you got for me today?" MC leaned over into his bag and took out a stapled piece of lined paper. Natsuki scanned the paper carefully.

"Not bad.....but my poem is still better of course." Natsuki slid her poem across the desk to MC. Natsuki questioned why Yuri was so invested in MC, he was kind of a creepy dude in Natsuki's opinion. MC breathed loudly looking at Natsuki's poem making Natsuki feel awkward. "Uh..I think I'm going to take my poem back now." Natsuki snatched the poem from the boy's hands.

-time skip-

Yuri's POV:

I agreed to read a book with MC today, I feel kind of nervous but I don't see why. We are just reading a book after all. Natsuki was hanging out in the back of the classroom as always, reading her strange manga's. Yuri glanced at the cover of Natsuki's manga. Killing Stalking, I didn't know Natsuki was the type to be a yaoi fan.

MC approached me making my stomach ache. I thought I might as well clear the classroom so it's a bit more quiet. "Natsuki and Monika, do you mind leaving the classroom? Me and MC are planning to read." Natsuki narrowed her eyes and I stared back ready to argue. "What is MC your boyfriend or something?!" How dare she? I mean..I guess I sort of had a crush on MC but..why would Natsuki humiliate me like that? "No!" Hoping for Natsuki to stop talking she walked out of the room surprisingly.

Natsuki's POV:

I peered out through the classroom's door's window. There was Yuri and MC sitting by each other and by hand reading Yuri's stupid ass book. Why am I acting like this? Why do I feel so much hate towards MC right now? "Yuri.." I whispered under my breath. Yuri turned away from her book and noticed me watching them, I quickly turned away. "I hate you Yuri, why did you do this to me?" More like I hated myself right now, MC should have been me.

I notice I'm a confusing person, I confuse myself even but this time I wasn't confused. Was this jealousy gnawing at my stomach? I walked home staring at the clouds thinking of a way to get Yuri's attention without being so tsundere. This was going to be hard because lately I've been a bit of a bitch towards Yuri. I don't blame her for liking MC, I know I messed up big time but there has to be a way to fix this.

Yuri's POV:

After today I felt blood thirsty for MC. His touch, his smile, his hair...everything! Thinking about it made me want to cut myself all over. I hope I'm not being too creepy...I mean...I did steal his pen and everything. Right now I was even feeling the pen, I even licked it? I'm not even ashamed of myself, I love MC and that's all that matters. Tomorrow I think I'm going to ask him to be my lover.

Hey everyone! Sorry that this chapter hasn't came out sooner, right now I'm working on three stories at the same time so it's going to be a bit hard for me to update this story often but I'm happy with all the support you guys have been giving me. All of you guys are so funny in the comment section sometimes and I'd like to thank you all for 100+ favorites/stars (or whatever the hell you call em) Goodbye! xx

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