Leaving to Come Back

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I wake up. I had no other dreams.  It's mid afternoon. Why didn't Buchanan wake me earlier? Hell why didn't he wake me at all? Oh shit.

After falling because of the blanket wrapped around my ankles I dart upstairs. He's not there, but a note is.

'Dear (Y/N),
I don't know if I spelt your иame right I hope I did since I copied it off a thing in the room with the cloth. I'm not sure why I'm writing this, ьut I guess I just wantd you to know that I'm gone. By free will not because I'm being called back to HYDRA. Thank you for the soup and the bandags and the cloth and c leaning my other cloths and keping me safe and not freaking out when you saw me in your food area. I don't know what you were screaming about last night but I hope it wasn't because of me. If I ever becom a пormal person I'll find уоц . Like I said, you make me feel safe.

That old sap. He has some bad spelling but I still like Buchanan as a name better though. Wait clothes? Smiling I saunter to the closet that holds Tims old stuff. A few things are missing, including a bag.

Wonder why he didn't wake me and say goodbye. I'll ask him when he comes back. If he comes back that is.

The year goes on. I see Tony on the news every so often with some bimbo or with Pepper. Go to my weekly support groups, cut grass for veterans who can't cut their own. Attempt to learn Russian and German. Captain America found Buchanan and now there's a big fight in an airport with Tony.

So much for normal.

After a few days of silence after the news coverage of the airport fight there comes a knock on my back door while I'm near the stairs.

Looking through the glass in the door I call come in.

"Going upstairs, be back down in a minute or so."

Grabbing some clothes for the weirdo I head back down. There's three people in my kitchen not just Buchanan.

"Buchanan Barnes who you hanging out with now?"
He smiles "(Y/N) meet Steve and Sam."
"Well hello Captain, hello Samuel."
Both Steve and Buchanan laugh. Sam snickers before talking "how you doing (N/N)?"
Forgetting that there are others in the room I point a finger at him and start talking "Don't use a nick name on me, you stopped talking to me. You stopped your groups. What the hell man?"

Once again the t-Rex's laugh and in unison Sam and I tell them to shut up. That only makes them laugh harder.

"Why don't we come back to this conversation later?"
"That's a plan (N/N)."

Turning from him to the two that are still laughing "so Buchanan what have you been up to since like a year ago?"
"I went to Austria."
"Anything else?"
"Ugh, no?"

Rolling my eyes I walk past him, once again grabbing what he has of his bionic arm as I do and plop him in front of the television. Turning on the news channel that I taped I glare at him "anything else?"
"I found Steve and got into a fight with some people?"
"Was that a question or statement?"
"Okay." Buchanan is looking at the ground. Patting his shoulder and making my way back to the kitchen "You know where the extra clothing is, you and Steve can fit that stuff. Sam I can get you a change of clothes from Ethan's stock if you want."
"Thanks (N/N)."
"Don't call me that."

Steve and Buch head up the stairs leaving Sam and me alone. "So, you been to the graves yet?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"I'll take that as a no."
"Good plan. You hungry?"
"You know me so well."
"Cookies and milk or pizza?"
"Cookies." He gets up and starts walking down the hall.  "Ethan's room is up this way eh?"
"Last one on the right from here."
"Okay. Shame you didn't play nice then." His voice is echoing as he says this.
"I did. Just not with Marci."
"Why not with her?"
"She had ill intentions for Jack."

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