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Levi woke up with a startle, finding himself at his desk with a paper stuck to his face.

"......" He took the paper from his face and yawned. He glanced at the clock and found he slept throughout the day. He sighed deeply and stood up.

"Damn, the brat was probably waiting for me." Levi though as he stretched. He then remembered the fight they had the night before and then remembered that was why he locked himself in his study.

"Great, another reason for him to nag me." He grumbled and headed out of his office.

Well, maybe if I apologize first it'll save me from a lecture.

He thought as he yawned and opened the door to his bedroom.

"Brat, look I'm-" Levi looked around the room and noticed the bed was made and looked like it wasn't slept in. 

"...Eren?" Levi called as he was suddenly on guard. His instincts was telling him something was wrong and he ran to the bathroom and opened up the door.

"Eren?" He growled out and sniffed the bathroom. He heard Erwin entire the bedroom.

"Sir-" Before he could speak Levi was in front of him, his eyes glowing red.

"Find Eren." He said lowly as he shook with fear.

"Send a search party." He growled out as he was unable to sense his  mate. He shook with these oncoming feelings of despair, anger, and sorrow. Erwin came to understand as his eyes widen that the queen is missing and nodded.

"Yes sir." Erwin said and left the room as quickly as possible. Levi snarled and took the closest thing near and threw it at the wall, which happened to be a lamp. He took in deep breathes to try and control himself.

"Stop, this isn't going to solve anything." He told himself as he took deep breathes, trying to push away the fear from his mind.

"Daddy!" Levi heard Marcus running down the hallway and he quickly exited the room and closed the door.

"Good morning my sweet angel." Levi said putting a forced smile on his face. Marcus smiled up at him and hugged him.

"Morning daddy! Have you seen mommy? He promised we were going to make pancakes this morning." Marcus asked with a pout. Levi felt a pain in his heart at the mention of his lost queen and his smiled dropped. He quickly forced it back on as he responded.

"Mommy was called into town." He lied. Marcus frowned.

"Aw." He pouted.

"But I'm sure Hanji would love to make pancakes with you." Levi ruffled Marcus's hair. Marcus smiled and nodded.

"Okay daddy! Good luck with work!" He smiled and ran off. It hurt to lie to him, but his son's heart would have broken if he knew his mother had disappeared. He felt regret run through him as he remembered their last night's fight and wished he could've taken it all back.

Where was he? Has he left them?

A spike of fear pierced his heart at the thought.

No. It's impossible. He loves me, there is no way he would've left me and our son.

Levi reasoned as he headed down the hallway in thought. But what else was he suppose to think? Their room was untouched, but his clothes were still there. He wouldn't have left without packing some.

He stopped at his office and looked in. His eyes widen.

The werewolves took him.

He roared in anger and blurred into the office, knocking everything off his desk.

They had to! Those damn mutts!

He started trashing his office and tearing up the room. It wasn't until after he was satisfied dd he hear a knock at his door. He smelt the air and realized it was Erwin.

"...Enter." He said breathily catching his breath. Erwin opened the door with a look of terror on his face.

"Eren is not on the grounds."

The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now