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Levi watched from the throne at all the flowing dresses dancing on the floor, the glasses of blood held gently in the fingertips of the male and female vampires in the room. The small chitters and chatters of curious minds and the nobles feeling the bloodthirst of their king.

Marcus sat on Levi's lap, dressed in his formal wear for the dance as Levi waited impatiently.

"After the party daddy, can we go see mommy?" Marcus asked with innocent eyes that made him seem younger. Levi gave a gentle smile and ran his fingers through Marcus's soft hair.

"Of course." He said and was rewarded with a bright smile. Out of the corner of his eye, Levi noticed Kaname and Lelouche approaching the throne. Levi let out a short growl and kaname and Lelouche quickly kneeled.

"You may approach." Levi waved. They both stood up and walked over to Levi.

"My condolences, my king." Kaname said, his eyes sincere.

"I hope queen Eren is doing better." Kaname said with abit of hope in his voice. Levi then turned from the stone hard Alpha hat he was, into this broken, lost man.

"Unfortunately, he has yet to wake up." He said, his voice thick with tears. Lelouche frowned and put a hand on his shoulder.

"At least his kadnappers will pay for their crimes." He said harden. Levi's eyes flashed a cold stare.

"Yes.." The room could sense the bloodthirst for revenge coming from their king. Kaname cleared his throat.

"I must go and see how my sister is doing, I wish you the best." Kaname said as he exited the area. Lelouche looked at Levi for a few moments before speaking.

"Are you really going to perform a public execution of the kidnapper?" He asked curiously. Levi gave a sadistic smile, worthy of the devil himself.

"I cannot spoil a surprise." He said, his bloodthirst stronger. Lelouche smiled, a hint of malice in his eyes.

"I look forward to the grand event." He said before disappearing. Levi hummed as Marcus cuddled up closer to his father. Erwin walked up a few moments later and whispered into Levi's ear.

"It is ready, my king." He said lowly. Levi smirked.

"Perfect, bring Hanji over and wheel him in." Levi said before Erwin went off. He then looked down at his son.

"Marcus sweetheart, why don't you go visit mommy for a bit?" He said smiling gently. Marcus beamed.
"Okay daddy!" He said as Hanji came up and picked Marcus up from Levis lap.

"Take care of them." Levi said firmly to Hanji. She gave a big grin.

"You got it boss." She said as she quickly exited the room with Marcus. Seconds later, a cage came in, covered with a red cloth and sounds of muffled screams echoed in the room. He nobles all moved out of the way, yet circled the cage as it was brought towards the throne and laid down, below the steps.

Levi stood up and gracefully walked down the steps.

"My friends, I have brought to you, the leader behind the kidnappings of Queen Eren." Levi said as he pulled the cloth away. A beaten and bloody Light was show, his hands handcuffed behind his back with silver; he lay nearly naked as his ribs were poking out. His mouth gagged as his eyes bled with fear. Another guard brought in a human sized pot, filled to the brim with melted silver and pushed it next to the cage. Light began kicking hysterically as he saw the pot, knowing what they were going to do with it.

"This man is charged with kidnapping and beating Queen Eren, and has been found guilty. His execution will be boiling alive in melted silver." Levi called over the crowd as they watched. Werewolf or not, every face in the room filled with excitement at seeing a public execution. Rarely would the vampires get to see one because of the changing of time. Despite being an elite, seeing the torture of someone always tugged at a vampire's dark side.

"Kill him; I want to see how his skin melts." One vampire said in a breathily voice.

"I bet his screams are blood curling." Another said.

"Do you think his eyes will melt as well? Let's see." Another said.

"SILENCE!" Levi roared, quieting the room. He sighed and pushed his hair back.

"Now, let's begin." Levi said and a guard opens the cage and grabbed Light, pulling him out. Light began fighting back, but was too weak to continue. Levi stepped down and grabbed his hair and yanked on it, earning a painful howl through the gag.

"Now, you must pay for your crimes." He said coldly and held his face over the pot. Light was bawling through the gag, looking for anyone to save him, but only found eager eyes.

"Wait!" Levi suddenly yelled.

"There is one more surprised." Levi said dropping Light onto the floor by the pot, who then scrambled as far as he could from it. Levi fixed his collar before looking back at the throne.

"I have a speaker." He said and held a hand out.

"Come out detective." Levi smirked as L came out from behind the curtains.

"Hi." He said.


Author's Notes: I'm so sorry about the long wait, I've been extremely busy! And today I'm going to London. I wanted to write and post a chapter for you all before I left and thank you for staying with me, even though I take FOREVER to post. I promise you all, I will finish this story!

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