What Happened

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*Two days before birthday party*

Misa was drinking at a bar, getting abit drunk. 

"Liiight." She whined drunk. A man in a black helmet sat next to Misa. Misa looked over abit drunk. 

"hiiiiiiii." She smiled. The man smiled and took off his helmet. 

"Hello." Lelouche smiled.

"oooh youre a vampire." Misa smiled. 

"That I am. What is a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" Lelouche asked. Misa frowned.

"My boyfriend is away, helping his friend to find Kira." Misa huffed.

"I swear, its like he loves him more than me." Misa pouted. Lelouche chuckled lightly.

"Madam, look at me." He said gently and Misa looked at him still red from the wine.

"Huh?" She asked tilting her head cutely. One eye turned into the red bird.

"You will kidnap the vampire queen two days from now, and bring her home to your apartment, where I will pick him up." Lelouche smiled.

"Alright." Misa nodded as her eyes went blank.

"Oh, and you will remember this conversation, but remember me in the image of your boyfriend and do not ask questions." Lelouche said and Misa Misa nodded, eyes still blank.

"Yes." She said.

"Good, have a wonderful day." Lelouche smiled and put his mask back on and left the bar. Misa blinked and looked around.


*The night of Marcus's party*

Eren was sipping his champagne, and watching dancing and talking. He sighed as he sipped his drink.

"My queen." He heard and turned to the owner of the voice. He smiled.

"Lelouche, its good to see you." Eren said as Lelouche took and kissed his hand.

"you as well, my queen. Congratulations to Marcus." Lelouche smiled politely. Eren chuckled.

"thank you. We missed you last Thursday for tea." Eren smiled. 

"I apologize, I was busy." Lelouche said and looked into erens eyes. HIs eye turned into a red bird.

"I have a favor of you. Act normal and meet me in the forest behind the  castle in an hour, and don't tell anyone." Eren's eyes went into a daze and he smiled, nodding.

"Alright." Eren smiled and headed off. Lelouche smiled and headed off. 

*An hour later*

Eren walked into the forest.

"....Lelouche?" Eren called. He felt a smack to the back of his head and blacked out. Misa Misa dropped her hand, which she knocked Eren out with. She transformed to her wolf form and leaned down, picking up eren by the collar. She didn't realize the key falling from Eren's neck, tossing him onto her back and made some fake evidence, and clawing the nearby trees to create a fake fight. She then ran back to her home.

*Two hours later.*

Lelouche wore his helmet and headed into Misa's apartment.

"Light? Why are you wearing a mask?" Misa asked, confused.

"Do not worry about it dear." Lelouche said with a voice changer and picked up the knock out Eren. Misa looked confused but shrugged.

"Okay light baby! Be back soon okay sweetie!" Misa tried hugging onto him.

"I will. Now you know not to tell anyone what happened, right?" Lelouche said with warning in his voice. Misa smiled, in love.

"Ill protect you with my life." Misa swore and Lelouche beamed under the mask.

"Good." Lelouche said as he pulled away, heading off.

"Bye Light!" Misa called as Lelouche left with Eren.

*Below the Lelouche Manor.*

Eren woke up, handcuffed to the floor.

"What is this?!" Eren called scared. Lelouche came downstairs into the dark, dank basement. Eren gasped.

"Lelouche?? What is going on-" Lelouche slapped Eren across the face.

"Shut your mouth, my queen." Lelouche said with disgust.

*Days of torture later*

Lelouche left Eren at a local wolf owned bar late within the day. He made a quick escape as others began to notice the injured male.

*Back to now*

"And that's how I did it." Lelouche said glaring.

"....I hope you enjoyed your sick games." Levi growled.

"I order you to be executed by sun." Levi snarled and left Erwin to stay to get him prepared.

Levi heard the screams of Lelouche as he headed back to Eren, smiring viciously.

The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now