They Will Pay

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Twelve hours. It took twelve hours for Levi to hear anything about his half dead wife. He sat outside the room, being force fed by Erwin and held his beloved son. His eyes were puffy and red, face unnaturally pale, and strength depressed.

"How is he?" Levi asked Hanji weakly as soon as she came out, eyes not leaving the ground. Hanji sighed and took off her mask and gloves.

"He's stable, and will be recovering nicely." She said, with no smile in her voice. Levi looked up at her and she finally was able to see the weariness in his eyes.

"But?" Levi asked and pulled Marcus a little closer to his body. hanji looked away.

"....he's in a coma. We don't know when he'll wake up, if he ever will." She said sadly. Marcus chocked back a sob and it was then Levi and Hanji realized Marcus woke up.

"I want mommy." Marcus said sadly as he began crying again. Levi felt his own eyes tear up at the sight and held Marcus to his chest, letting him weep.

"When can we see him?" Levi asked Hanji defeated.Hanji ran a hand through her hair frustrated.

" can see him now, if you'd like." Levi nodded and slowly stood and held Marcus to his chest and entered the room. He nearly gagged at the sight. Eren was hooked up to more tubes than a machine. He moved closer to see the prominate cuts and bruises that decorated his face and Levi felt something in him snap. Marcus removed his face from his father's chest and sobbed harder once he saw Eren. He held his little arms out to her and sobbed.

"Mommy." He managed. Levi saw red. How dare those filthy beasts hurt his innocent wife. His mate, his lover, the mother of his child.

In that moment he realized Hanji took Marcus and placed him next to Eren on the bed.

"Be careful not to pull on the tubs." Hanji said quietly as Marcus snuggled into Eren's side.

"Please wake up mommy." He said sadly. Levi bit the bottom of his lip painfully until it bled.

"Levi?" Erwin appeared at the door with a worried look.

"How is he?" He asked and looked at Hanji, who just shook her head sadly.

"Erwin, gather up the council members and meet me in the meeting room." Levi said dangerously, his eyes a tint of red. Erwin looked confused.

"Sir?" He asked.

"NowErwin." Levi snarled and turned to him. Erwin stood straighter up and nodded.

"Yes, your highness." Erwin said still shocked but headed out.

"Levi-" Hanji was cut off.

"Watch them for me."Levi said with pain in his voice, yet refused to look at Hanji.

"Daddy?" Marcus asked tiredly.

"Watch mommy for me." Levi said heading out.

"Levi, don't do anything stupid! Levi!" Hanji called after him.

"They will pay." Hanji managed to hear.

Sorry for the long wait, I had to wait until I got my IPad Pro, it was just easier for me to type. Hope this kinda makes up for that!

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