Chapter 1: Perfection

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Okay so before I even start I just want to say thank you for even reading this. The picture above is of Cora and I also want to say that all comments pointing out my errors are welcome as long as your nice about it😝 thanks!

Nervous, Panicky, and Anxious. Three words that describe me perfectly right now. That and freakin angry. Extremely angry. Furious.

"I told you! Didn't I tell you she was hiding something?! Didn't I warn you?! You NEVER LISTEN TO ME!", I was a hair away from a panic attack as I screamed over the loud argument going on between Malia , Liam, and Theo, at Scott who is currently speed walking his ass farther into the woods. He signs as both Lydia and Kira roll their eyes. Allison bows her head in a guilty manner, she knows I'm right.

I have been warning Scott all month about Cora and the lies she wouldn't stop telling about her supposed family of farmers. I told him how I thought she was hiding something, but noooooo Scotty boy here just had to land his ass right in their trap. Apparently Cora had invited him, Theo, Malia, and Liam to her house last week after school and like the idiot that Scott is, he agreed. There they ambushed him and kind of forced him to form an alliance. Something about territory.

"Stiles even though this is a professional meeting, even though they aren't going to be nice, even though they will probe into your personal life, We will be there every step of the way.", Liam reaches out a hand and clamps my shoulder in a comforting manner.

But that's not even why I'm so angry. I can't believe they didn't tell me about this sooner.

"I know what your thinking, Stiles. We didn't tell you because we knew this is how you would react. Your heart is beating faster than a rats.", Theo signed and Allison nodded with a guilty smile. Liam dropped his hand from my shoulder mimicking Allison's expression. Ever since I told everyone Theo was trustworthy again, he hasn't disappointed me. But he still has that stupid attitude that makes me want to throw bricks at his face.

I shake my head even angrier than before, "NO, you guys didn't tell me because you didn't 'want to put me in harms way.' Meaning there's more to the story. There are only two people you would want to hide me from. Peter and Derek Hale. Also meaning I was right about Cora lying about her family since she's a freakin Hale!" I hissed, making it a point to try and sound like Scott while talking about my safety. Everyone went silent again.

"And I bet the only reason you told me was because Derek or Peter asked about me and how come I wasn't going to your meetings," I sucked in a deep and exaggerated breath, "And now, Cora and her family of werewolves want to talk to me.". More silence.

"I also bet Talia wasn't dumb enough to think you would just be totally honest with her and forced you to swear you were telling the truth and you, being a loyal best friend, took the oath and lied anyways. Knowing you guys this wasn't the first time you have lied to them, betraying their trust. And now I have to sit at some strangely large dining room table with Peter staring at me!", I was getting ready to continue when Malia interrupted me.

"Speaking of lies and Peter, you have no right to yell at us for not telling you when you didn't tell me that Peter is my father!", She growled at me but I wasn't having it. Nope.

"BECAUSE YOU WOULD HAVE TRIED TO LITERALLY EAT HIM! Besides, that was Scott's stupid idea." I moved my arms around wildly and then crossed them over my chest.

"You did try to eat him...", Kira placed a hand on Malia's shoulder and gave her a small and hesitant smile. Malia uncrossed her arms from around her chest and narrowed her eyes at me while placing her hand on top of Kira's, keeping her hand on top of hers. A blush creeps up onto Kira's face and I glance at Lydia with an 'i told you so' look in my eyes and a smile on my lips, stretching out my hand towards her.

I knew it! I told Lydia they had something going on. That was ten bucks! And THEN I told her that IF Malia ever found out, she would try to eat him. Another ten!

She rolls her eyes and fondles around in her purse and then, finally, places a twenty dollar bill in my palm while muttering something about not ever winning against me under her breath.

I smile and place the bill into my pocket while saying, "Malia what did I say about people?", she groans, ignoring my exchange with Lydia.

"People are friends not food.", A booming laugh startles me before I can say anything else, causing me to finally realizing where I was. The Hale house.

How and when did I even get here? How long have I been here for?

I swallow the lump forming in my throat and hesitantly look up at Peter, the one who had been laughing. His head is tilted back, allowing his laughter to carry out throughout the whole house. A lock of his brown wavy hair falls onto his forehead and his arms are crossed, making his muscles bulge through his long sleeved shirt.

Isn't he a little too old to be that good looking?

Directly to his left is a stunningly beautiful woman whom I know to be Talia Hale. She has a smile on her perfectly symmetrical and freckled face and is wearing nothing but a short nightgown. Her honey brown hair is straight and flat against her back. Deaton is by her side. He threw a gentle smile at my way before my eyes flickered towards the Hale sisters.

Cora has her arms crossed over her chest and her thick hair is up is a ponytail. She Is wearing a pair of sweatpants and a black sports bra, showing off her muscles. She's annoyed by my very presence and the way her eyebrows are pulled together behind her glasses makes her look like a librarian. A very sexy librarian.

Laura, I mean I think it's Laura she's the only girl I don't know, has her face twisted into a seductive smirk. She, much like her mother, is wearing nothing but a huge t shirt that's long enough to be a dress. Her beauty can cripple anyone's confidence, but that's okay cause it's not like I had any anyways. She's tall and lean, has big green eyes, and perfectly golden skin. Her face, like every other Hale, is adorned with many freckles and her hair which is parted in the middle and tucked under her ears, is a long and dark mass of waves. I glance at her one more time before moving to Erica, Boyd, and Isaac.

Erica has a hand on her hips and a sick smile on her face. I guess she still hates me, I have no idea for what though. She looks like a doll. Her untouched fair skin is almost glowing under her mane of perfect blond curls. Her big hazel eyes look almost innocent but that red lipstick she wears is too precisely put on for that to be true. She's standing really close to Boyd, who looks like a bodyguard. Really close.

Before I could even think about looking at Isaac, he's jumping into my arms in a bone crushing hug. I laugh as we tumble onto the ground into a heap of laughter. He must of sensed my anxiety and this is he's way of saying it'll be okay.

"Hey scarf boy. How's it been? I haven't seen you in like three days!", I laugh as he helps me get back up.

"I've been good, great actually. This alliance thing is kind of awesome since I get to see more of all of you.", he's beaming like the literal ball of sunshine that he is. Over the past year Isaac and the pack have been getting closer. He's a great guy and I consider him another one of my best friends. Meaning that I already figured out he and Scott are actually mates. They just haven't figured it out themselves yet.

I chuckle knowing he's actually talking about Scott, "Yeah, all of us." I elbow him and he shoves me playfully.

"Enough play time. Come on, let's get this over with.", I look up to lock eyes with Derek, whom I had tried to not really pay any attention to up until he spoke. He looked stressed and grumpy like usual. But his hair is messy and there's a softness around his eyes that I ever rarely see. Almost like he's upset about something. His grey long sleeve t shirt makes his vivid green eyes and his fair, golden skin pop even more than usual. His face is more structured then my life with those high cheek bones and perfect nose. His jaw line is so very sharp, I know that if I touched it I might just bleed. A strong want to count the small spray of freckles on his face grew with in me and the scruff on his face only enhances just how stunning he is.

He's perfect. Absolutely perfect.

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