Chapter 2: No More Jokes.

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Okay guys welcome to chapter two! Hope you like it! Btw, the picture above is a picture of Talia!

Derek's eyebrows lift up a little in surprise when I smile at him. A genuine smile spreading as smoothly as warm butter on toast. I'm happy and I have no idea why since he nearly killed me many many times and he seriously hates my guts. Yet I get this strange feeling of safety when I'm around him. Really strange.

I'm losing my goddamn mind. I must be insane.

A laugh cuts through the air, much louder than the small talk surrounding us and it takes me a second to realize that it's me that's laughing. Derek's gaze makes me feel drunk.

"Well, are you not going to introduce us to your friend Isaac?", Talia's voice was playful and melodic.

Isaac smiles once more while he introduces me. I smile at her as she makes her way towards me and stands real close to my face.

Talk about lack of personal space. Yeez.

She stares at me, accessing me as if I was the most interesting thing she had ever laid eyes on. The way she looked at me reminded me so much of how Derek looked at me when we first met but it's kinda weird though. Her stare was much less conferting than Derek's, yet much less intense. It's like they were searching my very soul. Like something about me was familiar to them. And they were absolutely right about that. But that's something they don't have to know yet.

I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready for them to know.

And even though I'm not ready for them to know just yet, I stare right back at her, allowing her to look. I won't stop her.

I don't even know how long she's been staring at me but she finally decides it's time to stop by saying, "To be the only human running with a pack of wolves, you have to be the best. You have the eyes of a warrior, a survivor, very beautiful eyes young man.", I can feel the confusion settling onto my face but before I can say anything else, she's taking me by the hand and dragging me towards the dining room table.

"I like this boy, he's bold.", the girl who I think might be Laura says, "Not many people can look right back into the eyes of an Alpha and yet he's done it four times in the last five minutes as if it was nothing.", I glance at her and can feel the confusion growing.

Four times? I only looked at Scott, Talia, and Derek.

"My children," Talia starts talking again and pulls a chair open for me to sit, "Derek and Laura are also Alphas. But I'm the main Alpha in the Hale pack.", I nod, finally understanding something, and take a seat.

"So Stiles, why don't we begin with something simple.", Peter speaks as everyone starts taking seats around the table.

I scowled as I realise how big the table is and gave every one of my friends a pointed look. They laugh as I say, "Didn't I say this was gonna happen?"

The laughing stops as Derek sits to my right and his sister, Laura, sits to my left. I glance at him, not as shocked as everyone else. I knew they would have me cornered like this, having them sitting next to me so that they could listen closely to my heart beat. I just didn't expect it to be Derek.

Peter ignores my scowl and continues. "What's your name?"

"People call me Stiles. Stiles Stilinski."

"They call you? What's your real name?", Talia asks. She's sitting directly in front of me with Peter to her right.

"I would tell you, if I knew how to pronounce it."

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