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Guys, I know you have been waiting for me to update but I'm honestly at a loss. I started writing this book a very long time ago, long before I even published it, and I have no idea how to finish it.


With that being said, I shall repay you with a new series. It's going to be called the Changes Series and each book will features a different ship.

Book 1- Sterek :
Physical Changes
Book 2- Scisaac :
His Web of Lies
Book 3- Thiam :
Butterfly Effect

I'll try to finish writting up the stories as soon as possible. On the meantime, I also have other projects on the way.
Blissful Sin, The Heat, And Profile it.

Again I'm so sorry guys. I'll try my hardest to no longer disappoint. Leave a comment with any concerns or any suggestions.

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