Chapter 11: Burn.

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My head is pounding again, but I feel much better, the pain at my shoulder has subsided significantly and it feels good to breath properly again. What doesn't feel good, however, is waking up to a room full of werewolves plus a banshee and a huntress. It's even worse when Peter seems to have his hands n my head and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be killed.

"Stiles." Peter doesn't move his hands from my head. Instead he drags his fingers through my hair and- yeah okay it feels nice and all but what is going on?! Why is Peter caressing me?

Laura has her eyes trained on me like never before, this is probably the first time she has ever been this serious and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I look at all the Hale's and they're all serious and it's doing more than just freakin me out. It's stressing me out too.

Scott looks guilty and it takes every bit of strength in me to stay still. I'm so still, it's like I'm not even breathing. I'm only waiting on them to talk, to say or do something because right about now all I want to do is panic.

What's going on?

It hasn't been longer than thirty seconds of silence, stillness, and panic and I'm about to straight up give up and move again. But then Peter takes my head in his hands and very gently lifts me up until my head is in his lap and I'm looking straight up at him. His eyes are red and his face is flushed and it takes me a bit to realize that it's probably time to panic.

Peter never cries. Peter never shows anyone this side of him, he's never gentle, he's never kind. He-

He's humming?

I swallow the lump in my throat and just look at him. That song is all to familiar, that song is personal and it's a song I know by heart. It's the song I sang that night, the night everything burned.


He knows. He has to know, he saw the tattoo on my shoulder and the way he's acting. He knows.

My eyes water no matter how hard I try to stop them from doing so, my body never really listens to me. My heart is pounding and suddenly I'm much too aware of how close everyone is right now. I'm too aware of how silent everything is and how the only sound is the sound of Peter humming and sniffling a little. How his hands started to tremble after a while and stopped moving all together at some point, only laying on my face to cradled my head.

I'm crying, I know I am and I don't deserve to feel sad but I do. This is all my fault, their pain is all my fault if only I had been faster- if only I had been smarter I could have saved all of them. I could have saved the rest of the Hale pack and they wouldn't have suffered so much. They wouldn't have burned.

Peter wouldn't have lost his mind, maybe Derek would smile more often, maybe Cora would trust easier and Laura wouldn't have to force out a laugh sometimes. Maybe-

"Thank you." Peter is crying a bit harder now, trying really hard not to but failing miserably. I shake my head at him, sucking in a deep breath and getting ready to say something but he continues.

"Thank you for staying there with me. Thank you for singing to me and for holding onto me and for keeping me distracted from the chaos and f-for reassuring me. Thank you for holding my hand even though I was burned and pretty much disgusting and for praying for me. Thank you for saving my life." He has his hands gripping my arms and his tears fell freely and his memories, his memories crashed into my head and replayed what I did.

He all but sobs and says, "Thank you because in the years after the fire your words where the only thing..." his voice cracks but he sucks in a deep breath and then-

"The only thing that kept me sane. The only thing that motivated me into looking for my daughter instead of killing and destroying anything and everyone I've ever loved." I shake my head at him and sit up to face him.

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry I didn't save them, I wasn't there on time and I couldn't- I couldn't-"

Talia wraps me into her arms and she doesn't have to say anything because her of the way she holds onto me and the way her tears fall onto my shirt and the memories she shared with me say it all for her.

She shows me the moment she saw me, in the mist of a burning house a child (me) wearing red and holding a bat that swings at a door, allowing a girl a bit older than him out. That girl is Laura, and Laura helps pull the furniture that trapped her mother to the ground off of her. When Talia looks back to where I stood, I was gone.

The Hale's cling on to me, sharing their gratitude and pulling Scott into it, holding him just as tightly.

Deaton is the one who speaks up after everyone clams a bit. He and the others who technically belong to Scott's pack where also in tears.

"As Fate will have it, you boys were always meant to belong beside us." He said.

Peter, who had sat back down a while ago, lurches back up and pulls me in for another hug, nearly crushing me. I hug him back and thank the gods above for this. For the peace radiating off of Peter and for, yes this is selfish of me but I can't help it, how much this new family cared for him.

Derek is next to me all of a sudden, his eyes watery and his face filled of emotions I can't place. He pulls both Peter and I into his arms and says-

"Thank you."

His Spark [DISCONTINUED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora