Chapter 12: Breath

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Hey guys! I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @lita172001
I think I should give you guys a little more cutesy and less tears.

My heart feels heavy again. Seeing Peter cry was one thing, but having Derek come into my room in the middle of the night with tears on his face was another.

We didn't say anything, I didn't say anything. He just lifted up my blanket and pushed me aside and got in, throwing the blanket over him too and pulling me to his chest. I know he can hear how ridiculously loud my heart is pounding, I know he can feel me twitching a little to remain calm.

It was cold earlier but now everything is too hot and it's difficult to breath when everything smells like Derek. I have to say something, I can't let him think he owes me and that that's why he's doing this, sleeping besides me.

"Derek." My voice is soft as I turn around in his arms to face him. He looks calm but I can feel his heartbeat through my arm that's pressed onto his chest and it's pounding wildly.

"You don't owe me anything you know that right. I don't want you to feel that you have to do this or that you need to-"

He kisses me. I mean it wasn't on the lips, it was on my forehead but HE kissed ME. HE made the choice to lean in and kiss me and make all electricity shock me into silence.

"I owe you everything Stiles. Even before I knew it was you in that fire, I owed you everything because you are my everything. You give me hope." My voice is still caught in my throat as he strokes my face with his thumb.

"Is this a dream?" I look down to count my fingers once, twice, three times and yes- there's only ten fingers on my hands.

Derek chuckles and it's surreal, I have to be dreaming.

"Do you know what a mate is?" He asks, his voice is quite and he's rubbing circles on my body with his fingers and oh my god I must be dead. This must be heaven.

I don't answer but he continues to talk anyways which is a sure sign of this not being real. Since when does Derek talk?

"It's a wolve's other whole. There's this myth humans have, that a werewolf is half human and half wolf. The truth is, we aren't half anything. We are entirely human and entirely wolf. We aren't empty and needy and unbalanced, we are whole." He says and I absorbe the information like a sponge.

"I was whole before I met you. But now I'm a better whole, I'm a better me a happier me because of you. I need you Stiles, I need you in the most purists way there is because I'll still be complete without you, but I won't be happy and I won't be who I'm supposed to be. Not if I don't have you."

Okay so this definitely isn't real. But If this is a dream, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

"I'm in love with you." I say it because why the hell not, it's not like this is real.

"I'm in love with you too." He chuckles. I pull his face into my hands and kiss him, straight on the lips. I kissed him because at least in this dream, he is mine and I am his.

My lips burn and my lungs scream because even though the kiss was chase, it was enough to leave a mark. He looks at me, his tongue sliding over his lips savoring my taste on his lips, and then he pulls me in for another and another and again and again.

We fall asleep that way, in each others arms, fire in my body and electricity in his touch.


A knock is what wakes me up the next day. There's giggling and chuckling and I cover my face with my pillow.

Why don't I ever lock my door?

"Shut upppp. Get outtttttt." I curl in deeper into myself only to feel two arms pull me closer.

I pop my head out from the pillow and blankets to find myself face to face with Derek. He does not look happy to be woken up but he also looks incredibly amused at my reaction.

"Oh shit!" My head whips towards the door where everyone is standing and staring and taking pictures.

"Fuck!" Derek laughs and pulls me back down from my half sitting half laying situation.

"Stiles shut up and sleep." He says this with amusement clear in his voice.

"I KNEW ITTT!" Laura screams, literally pulling Lydia into her arms in excitement.

Lydia laughs a bit, looking flustered. Talia smiles down at us and I take a minute to lay down and think.

"Is this a dream?" Derek is laughing again and pulling me in closer.

"Everyone get out I want to go back to sleep." He says.

"This isn't real." I say it again because first of all Derek Hale is in my bed and second of all he's laughing and smiling and pulling me closer to him even though everyone is watching us.

He kisses my forehead and I'm all but shocked. Everyone in the background is screaming in excitement and throwing stuff around.

I mumble out a few incantations Deaton taught me and pushed them all out of the room, locking the door and turning off the lights. Sitting up, I pull Derek up with me and get closer to him. He gulps and yanks me closer to him, his lips on mine.

He's addicting, he's perfectly addicting. And tastes like strawberries for the oddest of reasons but that's okay because I love strawberries. His hands move up and under my shirt to take it off and I let him. The heat builds up and the friction gets hard to ignore, especially when Derek grips my hips and bucks into me.

My breath hitches, my body shakes. He looks at me and his eyes flicker red, I know I should stop this before it gets too heated, but I just want one more kiss.

And so I do it, I kiss him and he kisses me back hands back on my face.

"We need to stop." I say, the reluctance is obvious on both sides as he nods.

He pulls me back down, and we sleep.

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