Good Morning...

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Y/N: Your name

Y/OH: Your old home

"Oh shoot--" You slam your head onto the bunk. 

"You good?" Tracey-- your host brother-- peers down the slats at you. "You really hit your head again?" 

"Shut up. Your hair is bigger than your future." You think of a quip and before a second thought, it shoots out of your mouth- and hits the mark.

"Drama queen..." Tracey sulks down the ladder. "I guess I'll have to take the bathroom first as a sacrifice, hm?" 

"You wouldn't." Before he even had time to act, you zoom out of your room and slam (and lock) the door behind you.

After that lovely exchange, you put your hair up in a messy bun and walk out out the bathroom. Tracey gawks at you. You see his cheeks light up with a blush.  He can't like you, can he? He's not like your real brother so it's not that weird...  Besides, you have anything but feelings for him. Sighing,  you plop down at the breakfast table and pretend to care about the food that is laid in front of you. Now what you really could get behind was some cauliflower.

You force yourself up and stumble out the door. Tracey pushes you along, jeering and pointing.

"Look, dork. I won't be here to help you waddle your fat butt to all of your classes so look less like a brain-dead zombie and more like the human you are." He snickers. "But you do have the complexion of a zombie, anyway." You (still half-asleep) walk into the front courtyard of the school, with Tracey still pushing you.

You shove Tracey. He shoves you back- into the zombie side.

Delicious Addictive Zombie Love (Zed x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now