Prologue | Rin |

430 9 2

She could smell the taint of the blood everywhere. On the floor, on the wall, on her hands, its scent even permeated the thick air surrounding her. Everywhere she looked there was blood. But still, the little girl couldn't bring herself to move, no matter how much she recoiled at all the blood, she still couldn't move. She couldn't keep her eyes off the two sleeping bodies. They were sleeping like mama and papa now, never to wake up all thanks to her. She still couldn't remember how she did it, it all happened so quickly. 

She had seen the two men standing over her parent's bodies, the life completely gone from their eyes. She had felt scared at first, fearing that the men would do the same to her, but then she saw the knife. She couldn't remember how it got into her hands, or how she had managed to make the men drop to the floor, the only thing she did know was that they were never getting back up.

"They went in here Master." The little girl could hear voices coming from outside her door.

"Well, what's taking them so long."

"I don't know master. Should we go in and check?"

"I don't hear any movement, it should be safe to go in, but tread cautiously."

"Yes, Master." Just then the little girl could hear one of them opening the door and unsheathing their sword. The little girl quickly broke from her statue like state in the corner and scrambled into the next room. If she did not move now she knew she would end up like her mama and papa.

"Looks like they weren't willing to give up without a fight," one of the voices said.

"If they're already dead then where's Abdul and Riad?" The same voice inquired. She could hear their footsteps coming closer now, they were approaching the room where she had left their friends bodies sleeping.

What would they do when they found their bodies? What would they do when they found her? all these questions started to pour into the girl's head as she slowly inched her way farther into the darkness.

"Master, come quickly!" the voice said urgently. The little girl could hear someone running into the second room. They had found the bodies.

"Who could have done this?" One of them said seemingly shocked and confused.

"I don't know, but whoever they are they just killed two of our best assassins." The little girl inched closer to the doorway now, curiosity ebbing away at her. She wanted to get a good look at these men, these assassins

When she did finally peek around the corner she saw two men dressed similarly to the two others on the floor. All four wore flowing white robes with a red sash and hoods that obscured their faces, which made them seem frightfully scary to the little girl. The taller and older looking one of the two bent over and dipped his index finger into the blood pooling around the two sleeping bodies. She cringed at how comfortably the man examined the blood on his finger, how he didn't seem to mind that it had come from someone, someone he knew. It practically sickened her.

"The blood's still fresh Rashid, the culprit couldn't have gotten fa-"

"Master! Look over there!" The younger one had noticed something, something lingering in the doorway of the conjoined room. 

With a finger pointed right at her and the eyes of both men falling onto her the little girl suddenly felt the urge to run. Not a second longer she had dashed to the window and scrambled out the side. Thankfully her window wasn't as for from the ground as she anticipated and she was met with little resistance as she fell. Ho=6ywever, the two assassins followed in suit and proceeded to gracefully jump from the window and land in an elegant fashion. The little girl couldn't help but stare in awe at how inhuman these men were able to chase her down like a predator. They followed her relentlessly through every twist and turn and alleyway she ran down. They were faster than anybody she had ever seen and jumped and leaped from the rooftops and ledges as if they were some type of wildcat. It was beautiful in a terrifying sense.

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