Chapter Twelve | A Late Night Meeting |

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Zyana had been at Greenhaven for a little over a week now and still had trouble navigating the castle's halls. The fact that it was night time didn't help either. At night, the Greencloak headquarters had an eerie vibe to it, with its dark and narrow halls. Zyana felt unnerved at the prospect that anything could pop out from behind a dark corner and attack her. Nonetheless the Amayan girl persisted.

She didn't know exactly why she was making her way to Olvan's office in the middle of the night, what she needed to ask him could've waited until morning. I guess it was the fact that Zyana couldn't sleep and the burning questions she had wanted to ask Olvan earlier. Zyana didn't even know if the elder Greencloak would still be awake, although considering the amount of coffee he was drinking in the recent days he'd have to be staying up a little later than usual.

Zyana turned a corner that led to the hallway Olvan's study resided in. Even from the end of the hallway Zyana could still see the candle light spilling out from under the double doors.

So he has been staying up late. Zyana said to herself as she made her way down the hall. Once facing the two oak doors Zyana placed a steady hand on one of them. But before she could push open the door Zyana froze at voices already coming from inside. Zyana quickly drew her hand away as not to draw any attention.

He's busy, I should leave and come back tomorrow. Zyana turned her back to the door, ready to walk away, but a lingering feeling of curiosity seemed to slowly creep into her mind holding her in place.

Who could Olvan possibly be talking to at this hour? Why were they talking so late? As the questions started to seep inside Zyana's head the more she found herself drawn to the door and the voices behind it. Zyana leaned her ear gently against the oak door, trying to tune into the conversation being had on the other side.

"Rin I can't reassure them anymore," Zyana's eyes lit up in surprise as she muffled her gasp with her hand. So Olvan was talking to Rin, but why?

"They demand to go with you. They're not just going to let you march out of here with their future leaders, you must understand that." Olvan said as if you were pleading innocent to crimes he didn't commit.

"I told you from the start old man I work alone and on my own. I don't need your Greencloaks interfering with my mission, or as you claim it to be 'my predetermined destiny'." Zyana heard Rin say for the first time since she had started eavesdropping

"Yes Rin, but they don't trust you, they don't trust you to protect or even lead the others. As far as they're concerned you might as well stab them all in the back as soon as you leave these walls!"

"I don't care whether they trust me or not, the only trust I ever wanted was yours. Now do I still have it or not?" Olvan let out a defeated sigh.

"Yes, I've always trusted you, but it's no use if my Greencloaks don't." There was a short pause from Rin. Zyana took the opportunity to push open the door wide enough to allow a small gap in which she could spy on the conversation through.

"But I gave you my world."

"You're words not good enough!" Olvan raised his voice for the first time at the assassin. Rin had a momentary look of surprise before going back into her usual smirk. She found the Greencloak's anger and distraught amusing. Olvan's posture started to relax once again as he tried to regain his thoughts. "At... at least not to my Greencloaks." Olvan's voice lowered significantly.

Rin lowered her head before raising it back up to reveal her devilish grin.

"So, they don't believe my word." Rin said wildly, slowly approaching Olvan's desk like a predator sizing up its prey. "Well now you have my word..." Rin wiped out one of her daggers from her sleeve so fast, Zyana only saw a blur of motion before the steely gray of the metal came into focus in the assassin's hand.

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