Chapter Ten | Cassian's Pendant|

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"Wow Nebala, these rings have to be around 1,500 in gold each!" Rin exclaimed to Nebala as she turned the prince's elegant ring in her hands. The assassin and her tiger had retreated back to their room now. A room begrudgingly given to her by the Greencloaks. It wasn't a very good room, Rin assumed it was probably a storage room before some Greencloaks heard that they needed to prepare a guest room for an assassin. Rin didn't mind though, she had been sleeping on the ground ever since she was eleven. She wouldn't have honestly minded if Olvan had told her that she was sleeping in the open courtyard during her stay at Greenhaven. At least then she might have gotten a better view of the stars.

Rin's room was small and circular, located in the tallest and furthest tower of Greenhaven. Rin didn't have much in the room, only a wooden trunk and a pile of straw made to be her bed, were the only things other than her and the tiger taking up space in the cramped room. Rin was seated on the trunk examining the rings she had stolen while Nebala lay lazily in the corner. Rin felt a slight draft blow through the room, it was very apparent that this room had been abandoned and left in disarray for some time.

The Greencloaks giving her a run-down storage closet as a guest room was probably just to remind her she was not wanted here, nor was she liked. Rin didn't care, she didn't need the hospitality of some Greencloaks.

"I know a jeweller in Nilo who would pay me handsomely for these rings. What do you say we pay him a visit after all of this?" Nebala grunted and laid her head down again, the tiger didn't like being confined to such a small space either.

Rin put the ring to the side with the others and felt for the necklace hidden beneath her coat. Rin pulled out the shiny capsule from around her neck, unhooking the silver chain it hung from. It had confused Rin as to why the prince, who wore such extravagant rings, would wear such a simple chain. Rin then proceeded to open the capsule, assuming there was something valuable hidden inside. Try as she might though Rin could not seem to open the it. Rin held the capsule to her ear and shook it, trying to hear for what was inside. She heard something shaking around, but she couldn't exactly tell what.

"How strange?" Rin said curiously, examining the chain and capsule once more. "I might be able to sell off this chain for a decent price, but this capsule is practically worthless." Rin smoothed her finger over the capsule again, feeling the cold hard surface of the metal. "Why would the prince ever keep this? He seemed to get pretty upset when I took it." Nebala yawned. The tiger could care less about the prince's little pendant or why he wanted it back. Rin started swinging the chain in her hand. "Whatever, this capsule is pretty much garbage anyway. I might as well through it away." Just then, a knock came from the door. Nebala scowled and let out a low growl, Rin knew immediately who was at the door.

"What does he want now?" Rin groaned, clearly annoyed.

"Assassin, I have come for my belongings!" Cassian demanded from the other side. Rin rolled her eyes and let out a disgruntled sigh. She shoved the pendant in her pocket along with the rest of the prince's rings.

"Assassin I know you're in there!" Rin got up and grabbed her cutlasses and hooked them back to her belt.

"Don't make me barge this door down!"

"Like you could be capable of doing such a thing?" Rin said slyly, folding her arms across her chest.

"Assassin, I swear to god if you don't open this damn door I'll-" Cassian paused. He didn't know how to threaten the assassin.

"You'll what? You have no power over me your highness, I hope you know that." Rin scowled from behind the door. After a long minute of silence, Rin had the fleeting thought that the prince might have left, then he spoke up again this time with more malice in his obnoxious voice.

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