Chapter One | The Nectar Ceremony |

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Rin's feet patted gently against the dust and sand of the dirt roads as she walked to the main square. The blistering summer sun was beating down as she approached the throng of people, all gathered to watch the nectar ceremony. It was an extremely hot and dry day, which wasn't very uncommon in middle eastern Zhong. But still, a terrible day for a nectar ceremony, but certainly a perfect day for killing.


Rin's orders had been simple. "Once the child summons the animal, kill them right there, on the spot." Her Master had told her while they were polishing his cutlasses.

"Kill the animal too? I haven't killed any animals yet." Rin said slightly confused and nervous about the task at hand.

"Rin, I have full faith that you will complete this mission with ease. You are far better than half of the assassins in this creed anyway. There is no doubt that the Grandmaster will be impressed by your work."

"Will he finally make me an assassin?" Rin inquired.

"Yes Rin," her master began. "the Grandmaster has decided to make you an official assassin as soon as your mission is complete. Think of your task as a sort of initiation ritual." Her Master had gone on while polishing one of his favoured cutlasses

"Yes, Master Rashid," Rin replied. "I have trained under you since I was a very young child, and you have trained me as if I were your own. I shall not disappoint you or the Grandmaster." Rin said with a fierce determination.

"Very much what I expect of you Rin." Master Rashid had said, putting the newly polished cutlass back in its place. "You shall not disappoint me." Master Rashid had left  Rin to finish with the rest of his swords that day.


Although children and animals weren't very common targets for the assassins, Rin could still sense that this mission was urgent. She had overheard that a strange man going by the name of Zerif was found outside the assassin stronghold yesterday. He requested to see the Grandmaster, for he claimed to have an important mission he wanted to be carried out by the assassins. Of course, the assassins didn't like being treated like a bunch of bounty hunters, but some say Zerif did bring with him a large coin purse.

"I heard he paid the Grandmaster 1,000 in gold coin!" One assassin had said to a college

"No way!" The other replied. "I heard he paid 10,00!"

"Fools," Rin said as the two turned to look at her. She had been in the training area practicing her throwing knives when she overheard the two other assassins gossiping.

"The Grandmaster doesn't except any bribes under 50,000," Rin said as she hurled another knife into the center of her target.

"I suppose you would know Rin since Master Rashid is so keen on sharing the Grandmaster's private information with his little wen- "


The assassin never got to finish his sentence, for Rin's knife had plunged itself into the wall right beside him. So close, in fact, it cut the fabric of his tunic, just barely grazing his skin.

"Don't you dare badmouth my Master!" Rin spat. "Or else next time I won't miss," Rin said in a threatening manner. Rin then proceeded to pull out her knife and twirl it in her hands.

"Besides I'm sure that the Grandmaster wouldn't care if some pathetic fool died from his second in commands successor anyway." She said slyly as she turned around and went back to practicing.


Why anyone would pay that amount of money for one feeble child and an animal dead was beyond Rin, but she couldn't care less for this Zerif's reasoning. He was giving her the chance to finally prove herself to the Grandmaster and become an assassin.

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