Chapter Fifteen | Fire |

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The sun was beginning to sink into the horizon creating a golden glow among the forest trees. The group had been walking for hours, Rin could start to hear the shallow panting of her teammates. Strangely enough, Amadi was doing the best out of the four, seemingly being the least tired. Rin found his endurance impressive but not unexpected.

"Let's stop here for today," Rin said dumping her pack at the foot of a tree in the small clearing. Immediately after saying this Zyana, Cassian, and Song dropped to the ground exhausted. Amadi looked a little surprised at how tired his comrades were.

"We should start a fire before it gets too dark." Rin looked to Amadi. "Me and Amadi will go and collect some firewood." In a flash, Nebala appeared behind the other three. "Nebala will keep an eye on you so don't get any ideas," Rin warned walking out of the small clearing with Amadi.


"Try and look for dry twigs or leaves, they work best," Rin told Amadi while holding a couple of tree branches in her arms. Amadi silently did as he was told and continued to collect kindling for the fire. "Call out your spirit animal." Amadi looked back at Rin confused.

"Why? Didn't you say we can't call them unless we're fighting?"

"Your spirit animal brings you comfort, especially out here in the wild. I find something about the outdoors helps strengthen the bond. I don't know. You don't have to if you don't want to." Amadi looked at her wearily, but eventually, the small vervet monkey appeared on the boy's narrow shoulders. Amadi began smiling.

"Hello, Moti." Amadi warmly greeted his spirit animal. The monkey screeched back his greeting. Amadi continued to pick up dead twigs and branches while Moti sat on his shoulders. Rin couldn't understand how somebody could keep working with a monkey weighing down their back.

"You have a decent endurance Amadi." The Niloan boy stopped momentarily at Rin's unexpected words but slowly continued scavenging again. "I'd imagine you'd have good stamina as well." This time Amadi didn't stop, trying to ignore Rin's prying questions. "What exactly did you do back in Nilo Amadi? Are you a hunter?"

"No" Amadi furiously turned to face Rin shocking her a bit, she had never seen the Niloan boy upset before. Amadi's furious nature quickly vanished like a wave, eyes flicking downward in shame at his outburst. "No, I'm not. But I'd like to be." Rin was no less than intrigued, the little introverted boy seemed to be hiding something.

"My older brother, he taught me all I know," Amadi said with a distinct sadness in his tone.

"Older brother? But you're next in line to be chieftain. I thought succession always went to the eldest?" Amadi looked at Rin with a hard cold stare. Rin recognized that look, Amadi had deep sadness behind his eyes, they held a painful past. Rin could put two and two together. They continued on in silence for a bit.

"Was he a good hunter?"

"The best in all of Nilo." Rin gave a knowing nod.

"He must've been a good teacher; you're the most prepared one out here." Amadi didn't acknowledge Rin. He already knew what she was telling him. "That politician and those palace brats have never been out in the wild, they don't know what it's like, but you, you do." Amadi looked at Rin now.

"Why are you telling me this?" Rin gave a sugary sweet smile. Amadi hated it; it looked creepy and unnatural on the born killer's face.

"Because, if there is anyone who I want to come out of this alive, it's you." Rin started immediately walking away from Amadi back to the others. Leaving the Niloan boy to contemplate her words carefully.

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