Quick A/N

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So I know there is some controversy over the last passage in my most recent chapter. I'll copy paste it below if some of you don't know what I'm talking about.

"Rin heard the exchange from afar, feeling her heart ache with a severe pain. A pain she had suppressed for what felt like eons. She felt her eyes darken and teeth start to grind together in her strides. She was desperate to get away from them, practically suffocating in their presence. Rin was frustrated. No, disgusted with herself, with them. She absolutely loathed the possibility that the two royals had reinstated in her a long-forgotten longing she thought she had purged long ago. Strange enough, Rin also felt another emotion she would've never imagined herself capable of...


I'd just like to quickly clear up the misconception about Rin being jealous. No, Rin is not jealous of Cassian and Song being together. Rin is jealous that Song is showing compassion and sympathy to him, as she never received this when she was being trained with the assassins. Rin has been put through far worse than Cassian with the assassins but never received any of the kind of sympathy Song is showing for him. This makes her bitter and envious, and practically furious with herself as she believes that Cassian does not deserve this act of kindness. Secretly believing that she is more deserving of this as she was put through way worse. As more of Rin's backstory is revealed the more her actions and certain emotions will make sense 

I didn't want to write this outright as I would like to have a little subtly in my writing, but I can understand that sometimes the message I intended isn't always the message that is received. I hope I could clear up some misconceptions and if not feel free to comment any questions that you have and I'll try my best to respond. I hope you're all excited for the next chapter and I guess that's all, bye.    

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