Chapter Eleven | Training |

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Rin bragged in late into the training area, Nebala at her side. Everyone was already there with Olvan and a couple of Greencloak instructors. As soon as Rin entered the room she felt a multitude of icy glares and steely gazes from her comrades and Greencloaks alike.

"Rin, glad you could join us this morning!" Olvan said in his boisterous voice. Rin nodded acknowledging him.

"My pleasure Olvan." Rin said unenthusiastically. Rin made her way to the center of the room where everyone was congregated. Rin saw Song roll her eyes, and Zyana give a small groan as she approached.

"What is she doing here?" The prince sneered.

"She's here to train with you of course! And also check up on your progress. Don't worry she won't be sparring with any of you, she is way out of your skill level." Olvan said, directing his words at Cassian, knowing of the incident that had occurred between the prince and the assassin only two days ago.

"What's the training exercise for today?" Amadi asked innocently behind all of the heated tension and scowling. Olvan looked to the Eruian Greencloak. Rin recognized him as one of the four that escorted her to Olvan's study the day of her release. The one that seemed most adherently distrustful of her.

"Jonathan will explain what we're doing today. Jonathan..." The Greencloak stepped up and addressed the five.

"Before we get started I want you all to hand over your weapons." He said holding his hand out. Rin watched as Zyana, Amadi, and Song willingly gave up their quarterstaff, spear, and bow. Cassian hesitated, hand hovering over his hilt. He spared Rin a cautious glance before reluctantly handing the sword over.

"Rin?" Jonathan said, indicating for Rin to hand over weapons next. Rin stepped forward and handed over both her cutlasses. The Greencloak took them but raised an eyebrow suspiciously at Rin, as if he didn't believe those were her only weapons. Rin let out a defeated sigh and shoved her hand into her coat, handing over her knives and daggers. Jonathan gave a triumphant smirk.

"An assassin never carries only one weapon on them." He said handing her weapons to one of the other Greencloaks.

"Now then, today you'll be learning how to improvise and adapt in combat." The four heirs gave each other confused looks. Rin on the other hand knew exactly what was coming.

"In the wild you cannot always guarantee that you will have your weapon on you. It could be stolen from you, or easily become out of reach. When this happens you'll either have to result to your fist, or..." Jonathan gestured behind him to a table full of inanimate and common household objects. "Improvise." Rin felt her comrades grow uneasy at this prospect, Rin however had learned a similar lesson with the assassin's.


Rin was told to always anticipate for the worst outcomes. Going into a fight without a weapon being one of them. So, Master Rashid had taken to teaching her hand to hand combat and multiple martial art techniques. Still, Rashid knew fist would be no good to an enemy with a long-ranged weapon. Thus, Rin was also taught that anything could become a weapon if the situation was dire enough.

"Really, you can get anything to pierce through skin with enough force." Rashid had told her long ago. Taking this into account, Rin was once able to defeat and kill an enemy with a single hair pin. It turned into another one of the whispered myths about her, and became her personal favourite.

"Come up to the table and pick something to fight with, you will then be partnered with a Greencloaks and have to spar with your improvised weapon." They all nodded in unison and walked over to the table. Rin could tell that her comrades did not like this new challenge, especially the prince and princess. Rin scanned the table of objects, eyes landing on a set of utensils. Rin quickly grabbed two forks and twirled them in her hands as if they were her daggers. This was going to be easy. Her comrades picked interesting weapons as well. Amadi picked a broom, Rin noticing how he held it like a spear. Zyana took a necklace chain, Song took a vase, and the prince reluctantly picked a frying pan?

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