Chapter Thirteen | Departure From Greenhaven |

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"For Song," Rin said pulling out a beautiful katana from the burlap sack she had carried into the training area. "A katana. It takes grace and poise to be able to wield a weapon like this, I believe a princess would possess such qualities." Rin said handing the sword over to the princess. Song took the finely polished sword from Rin and held it in both hands. It was no lighter than the staff she had grown accustomed to in the recent days, she would easily be able to adapt to the new weapon.

"For Amadi," to Song's surprise Rin pulled out a quarterstaff next. "A quarterstaff. Although I see your skill with a spear, a spear is only good for piercing. A quarterstaff will better help you get in more effective blows, and is already very similar with a spear." Rin handed the quarterstaff to Amadi. "It should give you a bit of reach as well." Rin said, while Amadi ogled and fiddled with the quarterstaff in his hands.

"For Zyana," Zyana furrowed her brows expecting Rin to pass her after the conversation she had with Olvan last night. "A crossbow should be easier and quicker to maneuver than a bow, and you'll be able to focus more on your aiming with it too." Rin added before handing the crossbow to Zyana. Zyana swore she saw something flash through Rin's eyes as she handed the weapon over. Something along the lines of 'don't disappoint me'.

"It's nice of you to finally think of us assassin, but what do I get?" The prince said arrogantly behind Rin. Rin closed her eyes and let out a sigh as she turned and faced the pretentious Euran noble.

"Well it's definitely not your jewelry." The others briefly glanced at Cassian confused, as Cassian started to flush a slight scarlet. "But don't worry how could I forget the ever so acclaimed prince of Eura." Rin said sarcastically as she reached her hand into the very bottom of the burlap sack. To everyone's surprise Rin did not pull out another weapon, instead Rin held up a small red book in her hand. Rin held out the book to the perplexed prince who curiously took the assassin's gift.

"The art of the silent assassin: how to master one's emotions?" The prince looked up confused at a smirking Rin.

"The assassins had me read it when I was in their care, I was surprised the Greencloaks even had a copy. It taught me how to discipline myself, and I'm sure it'll help you stop sucking on that silver spoon of yours." Rin said smugly, hand on her hip. Cassian's face immediately started turning as red as a tomato, Rin thought the prince was about to burst into flames.

"Why you smart mouth, insolent little-"

"Rin!" Olvan shouted, barging into the training area. All eyes turned to see the elder Greencloak standing in the doorway. "Rin, we need to talk, now." Rin looked away from the fuming prince and nodded at Olvan.

"Sure." Rin turned back to her comrades. "I want you to start training with those now." Song, Amadi, and Zyana all nodded except for the prince who only seemed to sneer incessantly at the assassin. Rin stalked out of the training area with Nebala at her side.

"I see you've already given them their new weapons." Olvan said to Rin as they walked a little way away from the training area. "But I see you've given the prince a book?"

"Something to build character. You'd be surprised how handy discipline can be out in the wild." Olvan looked at Rin skeptically.

"Uh-huh I'm sure it does, anyway something's come up." Rin narrowed her eyes at the Greencloak leader. "We're starting to get reports of those red assassin's starting to attack random villages all over Eradas, setting them on fire and ruthlessly killing anybody they find."

"They're looking for something, or someone." Rin concluded out loud, instinctively looking back at the training area door.

"Yes, that's what I was thinking as well. I guess the real problem now is that I don't think we can buy you anymore time, you need to leave soon."

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