Chapter Eight | An Assassin's Word |

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In the assassin stronghold Rin learned that it was better to die then unwilling be taken prisoner, especially to Greencloaks. Her master had told her that people would do anything to get what they want, violently torturing their victims to no end. Master Rashid had taught her it was better to die than be captured, and that he would expect Rin to do just that if she ever was.


"You will find the sharpest thing closest to you and drive it straight through your heart. Do you understand?" Rin of course, didn't think much about it at the time. She would never be so careless as to get her self captured, even at her young age.

"You will not reveal anything about our assassin order or any information I have told you. You will die with these secrets and you will not hesitate to do so."

"Yes sir," was always her reply.


The Greencloaks must have known of this assassin tactic and had taken every precaution to keep anything she could us as a weapon away from her. They had first confiscated her daggers, and the multitude of small throwing knives she kept in her coat compartments. They had even found the two hidden up her sleeves and the one wedged in her boot. Rin was expecting this, the Greencloaks would have been complete fools to leave Eradas' best assassin armed, while being imprisoned in their castle.

Rin had scanned her jail cell for any sharp objects when she was thrown in. Any sharp rocks, or metal debris, a previous prisoner had used to make tallies on the wall with would have suffice. To her misfortune, Rin found nothing but straw littering the floor and moss growing around the corners.

They had also given her no utensils with her food, not even a spoon. Even the water they gave her was never in a glass cup, fearing that she would break the glass and use it as a knife. Her water was instead given in a small flask. Even the bowl, in which they dispensed to her something consisting of a what she assumed was the Greencloaks mashed leftovers, was made of a softwood as opposed to glass as well.

Even with all the steps they were taking to keep her from trying to escape or committing suicide, the Greencloaks had still thought it necessary to constantly keep her feet and hands bound. Whether it was out of precaution or fear, the Greencloaks had practically immobilized her.

Rin remembered a time when she was in a situation like this, when she had allowed herself to be 'captured'. She was hired by a rich Eurian lord to assassinate another lord who he was having conflict with. What the conflict was Rin couldn't remember since it was so seemingly petty and subordinate. She had infiltrated the lord's manor and swiftly carried out the task, but not without spotting the lord's wife's beautiful pearl necklace. Rin knew she could probably sell the pearls for a high price to one of those greedy jewellers who wouldn't even question where she had gotten them. Rin was so determined to get those pearls, that after she killed the lord she admitted to the crime and was swiftly imprisoned. Little did they know, Rin had already mapped out and memorized the manors layout and had worked out a way of escape since she was arrested. She had broken the lock easily with a makeshift candle she had smuggled in, heating the metal so that it would be soft enough to break with a rock she had found on the floor. After escaping her cell, she had slipped her way into the lady's bedroom and made off with her pearls, not before leaving a calling card and placing the lock she had broken in place of the pearls.

Even while being imprisoned in the lord's manor, she was never bound like she was now. The Greencloaks at first had never removed her binds even when she was first presented with her single meal of paste. The Greencloak had placed the tray in front of her, standing up and smiling cruelly down at her. He did not untie the rope around her hands, leaving Rin in a kneeling position in front of her food. They would not untie her hands, but they would expect her to eat, eat like a dog. Rin had loosened the rope around her feet and kicked the tray with her knee, splattering its contents onto the spiteful Greencloak in front of her. Soon Rin was on her feet and kneed the fairly young Greencloak in the stomach. He groaned in pain but immediately restrained her, calling outside her cell for reinforcements. In total it had taken three Greencloaks to restrain her again, Rin smiled all the while they'd struggled with her. Olvan must have gotten word of Rin's outburst, as the next day when she was given her meal, a different Greencloak reluctantly untied her hands and watched her scarf down her food.

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