Oh daddy

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The next day I put on a sunflower top and a yellow skirt. My hair is up in a ponytail and I'm wearing white converse. It's Friday and today my family and I are going to Napa. I get my breakfast and drive myself to school. Right when I walk in I realize that everyone is looking at me. Wow. Dress like yourself and everyone stares at you. This is why I dress like a nerd on normal days. Out of all the stares one catches my attention. Four is right there, in front of his locker. I blush and keep on walking and then I see Lauren with a look of revenge in her eyes. I give her an ugly look and keep on walking. Since we have a week off next week then all the teachers are taking us to the park that's near the school. We get to our first period class and we hang out there for the first 30 minutes. After that, Our class gets in a group to walk to the park. Christina and I are walking together and we both run most of the time. By the time we get to the park we notice we are the first ones. We run to reserve some tables and then run towards the swings. When we reach the swings I notice that a group of boys saw us walking towards the swings and then they ran and got on them. I roll my eyes at them and then see Four walking towards one of the boys. I call his name and tell him not to. He nods not completely understanding and walks towards his group. Christina and I play on the ropes and the spinning wheel. We eventually get on the swings and then we eat lunch. After being at the park for another 2 hours and a half, our class heads back to school. We hang out in class for 10 minutes and then leave.
"Where are you going?" Four and Christina ask me in unison.
"We need to go shopping." Christina tells me while looking at Four.
"Ha, you always go shopping. Tris and I have to go get yogurt." Four says
"Well, I can't do any of that. I need to pack to go to Napa." I respond.
"Then I'll help you pack." Christina says.
"And I can help your brother pack. Or I can watch you and Christina pack." Four says.
"So basically, I'm hearing that both of you want to walk home with me?" I ask
They both nod. "Then let's go." I say and start walking.
"This would be a perfect walk if it wasn't that someone smelled like sweat." Christina says while glaring at Four.
"Hey, I like that smell." I say, even though I don't.
"I love your outfit. It's a perfect combination. It's better than mine." Christina says
"It's beautiful." They both say in unison and I laugh.
"Let's have a race. On your marks, get ready, and g-" I say but I'm cut off by a running Four. "HEY!!!" I yell while running behind him.
We are eventually running side by side by the time we have reached my house. Christina is right behind me. I speed up but the. Strong arms rap around me. I scream and fall on the grass. We lay there laughing.
"TRIS!!! GET INSIDE" I hear my dad yell. I get up and stand there "NOW!!" He yells and I run in. I feel tears starting to form but I stop them from coming out. I hold in all my sadness because I have to be brave. I need to be brave.
I go inside and my dad starts yelling at me because he doesn't want me to hang out with boys. He says that I haven't been acting like myself lately. Wow. My dad doesn't know anything about me. I have been acting like myself lately. I can't pretend to be his perfect little girl forever. I'm sick of it. I run up to my room and lock the door. I hear my mom come home from her work and they are talking about it. I lay on top of my bed and, for the first time in forever, I let a tear fall down my cheek.

Christina's POV:
Four has a look of anger, confusion, and sadness on his face. I can tell I have a look of worry.
"It's her dad. He doesn't like Tris to be around boys. Or acting...normal." I say.
"That's-" Four starts to say but is cut off by the sound of a car coming into the driveway.
"Hello Ms.Prior, it's code red." I tell Natalie as she gets out of her car.
She nods and walks in.
"Code red?" Four asks.
"It's a code we have. Code red= Tris' dad doesn't want Tris to grow up." I say.
"Oh." Four days while nodding and getting up from th grass.
We both leave and head home. None of us helping Tris pack or even entering her house.

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