chapter 15

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It had been a month, Kendall and Vanessa had stayed in the cottage for that long. Kendall was feeling better than before. But she couldn't help but think if Clayton ever even cared. Her days in Scotland were filled with better days like she had hoped.

Both the girls would clean the cottage themselves, as they were the only ones in the cottage, then they would make breakfast, and sometimes they would try to make different types of foods which always ended up in a food fight. 

Later they would even try to go hunting using Kendall's father's old rifles, both the girls were good marksmen, they even tried making a treehouse. Let's just say it didn't turn out as they imagined. 

Then they would both sit after dinner and try to learn French or Spanish, with Oreo always by their side who was also growing up.

But it did get lonely sometimes so her uncle would come after some while to check up on the girls, he would supply them with food and meet all their other requirements.

It had been one month, and Clayton hadn't seen Kendall, despite her betrayal he couldn't get her out of his mind like she had found some way to get into his heart. His nights with Elizabeth Ashton didn't give him the satisfaction of forgetting her big green eyes or her lovely face.

Every time he left his mistress's bed he would feel disgusted with himself, while his nights alone at his house were filled with dreams of Kendall's heartbroken face, and the tears that she shed in front of him made his heart wrench. 

He was having an internal battle with himself, he could barely work, mostly he would have to knock himself out with a bottle of brandy or so.

Loneliness had engulfed his heart, he walked into the room that she once used and it wasn't lit up like it was when she was around. The whole house seemed dull now that she wasn't present. The housekeepers kept silent as they knew of their master's distress, Oreo was also with her.

It had been 2 months now, he was going insane. He finally decided he needed to see her, feel her in his arms.

Feeling her in his arms, he was disgusted with his thoughts, to be with the same woman that killed his child. 

He decided to head out, he called his valet to grab his stuff and headed for the car to attend a ball as he had nothing better to do.

At the ball around 300 people were present, the ton knew nothing of the abortion, they just knew that Kendall and he were having trouble sorting their betrothal. 

But he still wondered how Elizabeth knew of it, he shrugged it off.

He realized at the ball Kendall's friends were also present along with her uncle, but she still wasn't. Nor was one of her other friends Vanessa he realized after a while.

He also realized they were glaring at him. But her uncle was drilling holes through his head with his sharp gaze. His thoughts jerked back to a pair of red painted nails intimately placed on his arm, Elizabeth. 

He groaned internally, he had bedded her twice a month ago and then felt disgusted with himself so he stooped, but she didn't get the hint.

After a dozen dances and a dozen drinks, Clayton strolled out to the terrace, looking at the full moon, when the night he kissed Kendall on a day like this drifted into his mind. After a minute voices of men arguing reached him, the voices were familiar. 

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