theater kids!eddie and richie

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(headcannon of basically me as a theater kid thrown into these two boys. i make quite a few theater references so if you don't get what i'm taking about just look it up haha)

so like richie and eddie are that couple

everyone's favorite theater nerds that steal the hearts of many

and they're so good at acting? and singing? these boys are balls of talent

they both got leads in their middle school shows, and have gotten a role every single year in highschool.

they always performed solo songs for their school's annual theater fundraiser and lots of people come to see them perform. when eddie sings, richie's off stage, watching in awe at his amazing talented beautiful boyfriend. when richie performs, eddie does the same thing.

it was their senior year, and since they're extra as fuck, they wanted to do their final cabaret performance together, and they chose "The Thrill Of First Love" from Falsettos. their director agreed, happy with their choice, 'cause Mr. Illis was a hoe for Falsettos.

Richie chose Marvin's part, and Eddie chose Whizzer's. they sang the song with passion, and since richie and eddie hang out like 24/7, they practiced the song a lot too.

they perform at an elementary school for the cabarets since the stage they use for the show is in mid tech-week construction around this time every year.

when the night of the cabaret rolled around, richie and eddie were nervous. the auditorium was quite a decent size for an elementary school, and it usually fills up. they wanted to make their last performance a good one.

"cmon eds, follow me," richie smiled softly, and tugged eddie by the hand to one of the tiny bathrooms.

they made out because they could lol.

eddie then put some water on his face to cool him down, richie rubbing soft, reassuring circles on the back of eddie's hand.

they walked back to the cafeteria, where the cast was, since it was the direct link to the stage, and they had a little meeting with Mr. Illis, who reminded them what songs they were performing (the show for them that year was Oliver!, and there were some elementary school kids who tried out to be the orphans there too, since they needed smaller kids to be those parts.

this little girl, nakaya, who was a small fourth grader from one of the three elementary schools they had, and one of the many tiny orphans in the show, was so in love with richie. she'd follow him around most of the time, but richie didn't mind. when richie had to go onstage to play Fagin, she watched from the seats, sometimes with eddie, and sometimes not. eddie played Artful Dodger, one of the main orphans in Fagin's "home", so they had quite a bit of stage time together.

nakaya saw richie and eddie walk in, and she bounced lightly in her seat as they came over to her and sat at one of the open cafeteria tables. she giggled in delight, and they smiled at her.

"we start in 7 minutes people! make sure you double check when your separate songs are being performed! Food Glorious Food is the first song being performed, so make sure everyone gets in place for that 2 minutes before the curtain opens!" mr. illis said and he walked away.

"my mom and dad wanna meet you guys," nakaya said shyly. eddie saw her eyes through her beautiful long braids, and eddie smiled.

"i'd love to meet them!" eddie smiled, and richie nodded.

nakaya clapped her hands together and giggled. "okay! they're here tonight!"

eddie smiled at her, and then looked up at richie, who was giving literal heart eyes and the both of them.

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