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description: Eddie is stressed. But he's got his friends and his boyfriend there to help him along the way.

(shamelessly uploading my one shots from ao3 to wattpad so i can spew more content at anyone who still reads these lol. enjoy!)

Eddie Kaspbrak has every reason to be a nervous wreck. He's got a HUGE game coming up, one that determines if Derry High School's varsity baseball team is the top in the district, and he's worried about his top college not accepting him, and his mother is on his ass again because she found Richie's cigarettes in his room that he's secretly been using, and he feels like he failed his pre-calculus exam, and he thinks Midge from work hates him because she saw him stress smoking out of the bathroom window, and he's worried about his deteriorating health because of his stress smoking, and all of these other nonsense things that don't seem like nonsense to Eddie.

Eddie hates stress because that leads to stress acne. And stress acne sucks. He helped Richie through his because he hated seeing Richie complaining about it and feeling insecure, when he shouldn't have been. It wasn't super bad, just some on his cheeks and forehead, but it cleared up just in time for Junior prom, which they went to with separate dates because they weren't out yet. And they still weren't, at least not to the school. But the rest of the Loser's gang knew all too well. Even Patricia Blum, Kay McCall, and Audra Phillips, three girls the Losers have gotten to know since they were dating Stan, Mike, and Bill. They were all sweet, and Beverly felt slightly relieved to have some girl company after all these years. She felt the testosterone radiating from the boys was all too much sometimes, with their constant talk of girls, tits, farting and burping, or just any stereotypical "guy thing". It felt good that she could talk about guys, clothing, and typical "girl things" with her girlfriends.

Richie and Eddie got more separate from the group as they got older. They could never really relate to the other five, and both were dealing with insane internalized homophobia. That's when both of them picked up a stress smoking addiction (Eddie not nearly as much as Richie), and began to get distant and bitchy. Richie stopped talking to the Loser's for a while, he started dressing in darker clothing and even got three piercings with his mom's permission, a septum, a stretched lobe, and a helix, which Eddie thought was hot, even though he would've never admitted that to Richie at the time, but he did when they started dating. Eddie was lonely and sad, and began to start stress eating. He gained some weight at that point and when he decided enough was enough, he joined the baseball team, getting inspired by his weight and the fact that he missed his Little League days. They were sophomores at that point, and now they were seniors. They all rekindled their friendship the summer before junior year, when Eddie became happier and more confident. Richie sought out change in himself, and though he never got rid of his more punk-ier aesthetic, he became a happier person once he got his friendship back on track with the gang.

Richie Tozier watched his boyfriend pace around his bedroom. Richie had a cigarette dangling from his mouth, glasses perched low on his nose, and he was laying on his bed.

"Eds, come lay down. Or have a smoke. You shouldn't be stressing so much, it's bad for you."

Eddie walked to the bed and grabbed Richie's cigarette. "And this is bad for you," Eddie took a drag from the cigarette and then put it out in the ashtray. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "I, I'm sorry. I just can't help myself. This game is worrying me. My team is depending on me, and this whole captain position has been making me lose my mind since I've gotten it."

Eddie finally got the position of the captain of the varsity baseball team this year. He had made it to varsity upon tryouts, since he was the best underclassman, and he's been working his ass off for the postition, but he's been making way too big of a deal out of it since he received it.

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