foreign exchange program hc

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so i got this idea in the middle of my earth science class so take this and lemme know if you want either a part 2 or an actual book cause i'm down (i'm gonna use some google translate for certain things so sorry if it's off, just correct it in the comments or whatever if you're that offended by it lmao)

-okay so the losers don't know eachother yet

-since they're all from different countries

-so there is this program in derry maine called the New England Foreign Exchange Program (or NEFEP) that takes kids in from all around the world to finish their last 2 years of highschool in America

-for their 3rd year of the successful program, they enrolled 7 students from around the world

-Beverly Marsh, from Cardiff, Wales. she was enrolled since her aunt thought it would be a good idea to get a better education and go see the world. beverly agreed.

-Richie Tozier, from Melbourne, Australia. his mother is from Japan, and his dad is from Australia, making him a japanese aussie. he wanted to join the program since his dream was to go to america and make it big on broadway. since wentworth was a dentist and had the money, he agreed. it took maggie a little bit longer to agree, but she eventually did.

-Mike Hanlon, from Cayenne, French Guiana. he loved his country, even if it wasn't as well known as the other countries the other foreign students were from. his grandfather suggested it, saying it'd be good to see what american culture is like and to spread his culture.

-Stanley Uris, from Istanbul, Turkey. Stanley's mother signed him up, saying that it'd be good to make new friends and to get a new perspective on other people from around the world. stanley was hesitant at first, but then agreed, since it would be something for the books.

-Eddie Kaspbrak, from Athens, Greece. it took a lot of convincing to his mother to let him join the program. he wanted to go to experience new life beyond the beautiful city of Athens, and he even promised to write down american recipes to bring back so they could cook them together and add their own greek twist.

-Ben Hanscom, from Munich, Germany. it didn't take any convincing for ben to join. he simply asked his mother, who was right on board. she just wants what's best for her lil' baby.

-lastly, Bill Denbrough, from London, England. he loved to write me wanted to make a book abou his journey and life as an exchange student in america and his parents thought it'd be a good idea.

-they chose the 7 and they all came 2 weeks before their junior year of school began

-they were all staying with different host-families, except for bill and mike, who were staying with the same host-family.

-once they all got there, a meeting was held after a week of them being in derry, and getting used to their surroundings.

-beverly didn't really like the town. she kept getting weird stares for her short, fiery red hair, and she hated drawing attention to herself. her host family was nice though. they let beverly go out around town (making sure they knew where she was going since she didn't know all of the town quite yet, and she got along with their host family's daughter, audra phillips.

-when bill and mike arrived at their shared home, they were both on edge. bill arrived first, and his old habit of a horrible stutter came back, making his greeting with his host family awkward. mike showed up just a few hours later, tired from all of the traveling. he wanted to make a good impression on his family, so he dressed in his best attire.

-they welcomed the both of them with open arms and instantly felt at peace.

-my boys got along quickly too, and since bill learned french, they both had conversations in french the first night and bonded instanstly.

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