4/7 losers are in a punk band

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(so i'm currently listening to halestorm and i'm just thinking tf bev is the fucking lead singer and y'all can pry this from my cold dead hands
i'm using haletorm's name (but changing the spelling) and their songs for this but i obviously don't own them :((
^one of halestorm's most famous songs above for y'all to bop to ok bye)


richie and eddie met at one of richie's band's concerts.

hailstorm was their name. one of the most popular punk rock bands right now, consisting of 4 members.

beverly marsh, the lead singer. her voice was powerful and raspy, perfect for her bands punk demeanor. she was the one who started the band back when she was a freshman in college. her and her best friend, bill denbrough.

bill denbrough, the drummer. he started drumming when he was young, in his tweens, when his stutter was at its peak, and he used drumming as an outlet from reality. beverly and bill met in highschool, and they briefly dated for half a year their junior year until they thought they'd be better off as friends. they're now best friends, and bill has a girlfriend anyway; audra phillips, who works backstage with the lights during their shows.

mike hanlon and richie tozier met them in college in a coffee shop not far off campus. mike and richie were sitting at a small table next to bev and bill's, and mike overheard them talking about how they were going to get the word out for band members.

mike had experience in playing bass guitar, and he and richie met at the same music store when they were sophomores in highschool taking lessons for their instruments. they had their lessons at the same time, and their parents were always late to pick them up after practice, so they would chat and bond about music and other things. they started hanging out in highschool and became best friends, and went to the same college ironically.

"what are we going to do? if we don't find anyone i'm going to explode. i really want to start a band bill, it can't just be the two of us." she sighed into her cup and took a sip. bill nodded.

they continued discussing, but mike only needed to hear that much. he snapped his fingers in front of richie, who was too focused on his phone and sipping his black iced coffee.

"rich, rich!" mike whisper yelled. richie glanced up mid sip. he swallowed.

"what?" he asked.

"did you hear over at the table next to us? they're looking for band members. why don't we ask them? you know you want to," mike said. richie glances over at bev and bill, deep in conversation.

"okay," richie said and stood up. his chair scraped against the floor really loud, causing the two to look at him.

richie was a laid back guy. he was a piano prodigy, but he started playing guitar when he was young, around 10 years old, when he told his mother and father that as much as he loved piano, he wanted to play another instrument too. he was tall and intimidating, like mike, but much lankier and more foul-mouthed.

"oh, i got your guy's attention! wonderful. now, i hear from my pal mike who heard from you two that ya needed band members. well, my fellow musicians, you chatted loudly next to the right people! mike, that beautiful man, and i have our fair share in the musical arts. we're willing to try out for your band if you want us," he said and smiled.

bill looked to bev and grinned. she returned the smile. "i think we've got our missing band members."

that's all it took. they formed their band, hailstorm, and hit it off instantly. they quickly gained attention, and became popular enough. they weren't extremely popular, like 5 seconds of summer popular, but they were up there. and now, 2 years later, they were currently on a small tour.

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