Chapter 6

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The next ten days were awkward. Astrid, of course, was ignoring you most of the time. Snotlout was constantly rubbing your face in the fact that you were in more trouble than he was. That was when he wasn't running between Astrid and Heather. The twins kept making weird comments about your possible exile from the dragon riders, which you resolved to dispel. You could tell that Fishlegs was keeping his distance from you, probably for fear of you losing your temper again. Heather you couldn't really account for, considering she now spent most of her time on Berserker island with Dagur. You had had a few conversations with Hiccup, which had been awkward and shaky. Both of you were trying to act as normal, but it wasn't really working. You knew your reputation would take a while to heal, but at least he was talking to you. After a while, you and Astrid did exchange a few blunt words. You tell she was still angry at you, but you figured that was normal. As a result, you spent a lot of time flying around on Ember. Come to think of it, you were technically the first dragon rider ever to train a Changewing - that had to count for something.

You knew Hiccup and the other riders were going on some important mission today - something about Project Shellfire, but you weren't exactly feeling the team spirit. That's why you had left your hut at dawn to visit Changewing Island. You figured Ember might like to revisit his old home and see a few old friends. On the way there, you couldn't stop thinking about Viggo: what he might be planning now, when he would strike next. It was imminent, of course. You had only now come to realise how narrowly you'd escaped death, thanks to Ember. Hiccup was right about Viggo being the most dangerous villain you had encountered but, at the same time, a part of you admired his tactical genius.

As dusk neared, you and Ember began to travel back to Dragon's Edge. The journey back was cold and dark, only made worse by the ceaseless rain that had commenced as you had begun the journey back. By the time you reached the Edge, it was pitch black, but a full moon lit up the sky. Realizing that it was practically impossible for you to get any wetter, you decided to do a quick patrol of the island.

By the time you were finished, your fingers were going numb, as you came in to land at the clubhouse. As you walked in, you saw Heather and Dagur looking overcome and defeated. You instantly wondered what had happened. Fishlegs was desperately attempting to console them, along with the twins. Hiccup was pacing, Astrid and Toothless close behind him. Even Snotlout looked sincere, as if something serious had happened. Then you saw him. Viggo Grimborn. He was standing right there - in the clubhouse! A mixture of shock and confusion hit you. Why on earth was Viggo here? And, why did everyone else seem okay with it?

"There she is." Astrid said to Hiccup. He looked up, looking a bit annoyed, but not nearly as much as the other day. He had other problems on his mind.

"Nice of you to show up." Astrid said sarcastically.

"The pleasure's all mine." You retorted with equal sarcasm. You had found that outwitting Astrid was not only entertaining, but also an efficient method of dealing with her attitude.

"Where have you been?" Hiccup questioned. "Again?"

"On patrol." You replied calmly.

"Well, thanks for letting us know!" Snotlout rebutted impatiently. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Why? Did you think I'd get lost?" you replied sarcastically. Snotlout opened his mouth to reply, but Tuff got there before him.

"That's what they call a rhetorical question, Snotlout." He said proudly.

"I'm afraid brother," Ruff said, "that Snotlout here is not familiar with such advanced language."

"Oh yeah, like you know what that means!" Snotlout snapped.

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