B E G I N I N G S ☘️

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A blessing and curse at the same time .


Off to the north side of the world in a tropical but mysterious island lived the small chisaki tribe , they shut themselves away from the world hundreds of years ago because of their abilities. The chisaki clansmen and women weren't what you called normal.

Before they secluded themselves from the world they were known as the evolutionary clan , because of their ability to learn and adapt quicker than the other humans. There legacy all started when a regular girl the age of thirteen asked for help from the moon goddess herself . The child's name was hikari chisaki . She was as loyal and beautiful as they went , she had long but thick blonde hair with a tint of brown with brownish green eyes .

Hikari meaning light gave hope to her family and people , It was the time of war when no one could be trusted and people were being slaughtered without reason . The fighting was taking all of hikari's people . As she was the princess of the moon kingdom , her people were at war with the merciless sun kingdom to the north . They both were at peace for thousands of years but the current leader fell into the darkness of greed and depravity , people who fell into depravity were usually cursed by witches or possessed by lowly demons when their heart was in commotion . Hikari was always a smart child with a pure and gentle heart for her people and family , yet when war broke out she felt useless and weak .

She wanted nothing more than for the war to end , and after finding out her last of four brothers was lost during battle she did not wager . She traveled into the sacred pound of the moon goddess on the island of nowhere , as she risked it only being a myth ; fortunately luck was on her side and what was a legend was true . On the night of the full white moon she chanted a spell asking the gods for help . She would give up anything to save her people even if it meant their lives , she wished no more no less in her heart.

That's when the god of the moon went down on earth for a simple but yet pure human .
" child , why do you bother my slumber ?" The goddess asks the shocked , frail and small human before her . She floated gracefully above the clear water , her hair flowed like the wind was in her direction making it go everywhere , but their was no wind it was calm and quiet like the night.

Hikari was surprised that she was looking at an actual god , she was more beautiful and godly than she would have imagined . But she reminded herself why she was their . " I wish to be able to end this war . I do not wish to see my people die before my eyes , I've lost many of my loved ones so much that I have lost count . I offer myself as a sacrifice for you to save the people left in my kingdom . I may not be enough but please have mercy ." The frail child hikari with the age of 13 was on her knees with her forehead on the wet ground close to the mysterious pond . She was kneeling and was not able to see the small but yet visible smile on the goddesses face .

" face me human . " was what the god said . And as she was ordered the girl lifted her face to once again see the incomparable beauty before her . " you are as pure as they come so I will grant your wish without a sacrifice . " the god then brought her pale finger that seemed to glisten like the moon in the darkest hour to the child's forehead . As she touched her forehead a small half moon appeared were her finger touched and Hikari's hair began to slowly turn into a bright white , so bright it felt as if you were looking at the moon itself during the eclipse .

Hikari lifted her gaze to stare at the god who had blessed her with such glory . The god slowly backed away floating above the pond that reflected the moon ever so brightly and stared at the child . " this is all I can do for you . I hope you are able to use the powers I have given you correctly ." The god gave the human one last glance as she begun sinking into the pond , hikari was only to be able to stare in astonishment while her savior was slowly disappearing . As she saw the last of the moon goddess the small but almighty hikari was to accomplish her mission .

She went back to her home and realized what she had been blessed with . She felt the power sour through her frail body and felt light as a feather as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders . She took on the role as the moon kingdoms heir and began preparations for her strategy . Her plan successfully succeeded with her cleansing the king of the sun kingdom of his curse of greed and depravity with her magic . She would go down in history for being the youngest to ever win a war and succeed a kingdom with such amazing powers . She was known throughout the world on how she conquered the sun kingdom so quickly when owning up the throne . But that's something that must be found out later in the story .

Hikari lived a happy life being the queen of the moon kingdom . After turning twenty five she married and had children the following years , her children were blessed with exceptional minds but resembled that of regular humans not carrying her seal of power or unique hair color . After many accomplishments the chisaki eventually down graded just to normal people with no social status but with that came many problems . The chisaki having the incredible mind they were blessed with were sought after . They were kidnapped , stolen from their families , sold as slaves all for the blessing that they were given . The chisaki considered their minds a blessing and curse being passed down to their kin for eternity , being chased after the greedy people who wanted them for their personal benefit was not something nice.

After years of suffering the small clan all decided they had suffered enough , the people they saw as friends were snakes looking to take a part of them for their benefit . No one was trust worthy enough so the small group of chisaki gathered and secluded themselves were they first began , the island of nowhere . It was very difficult to find and only appears once every 10 years . The chisaki knew about this island because it was passed down from their ancestors and the truth ran through their blood , the rest of the world saw the island as a myth and unbelievable .

But on the night of the white eclipse the few chisaki left everything behind in order for their future , gambling what little they had left along with their lives they set out to find the small island .

To their luck they found the island and were able to settle down without the fear of society after their abilities. They were once again able to soar around freely without being scared of those who were after them .

They built homes in the huge trees in the small but yet mysterious forest and adapted to living on the small island .

They breed animals ,created machines and building all for the benefit of their future kin . Along with their new way of living and new home they began their small but successful civilization.

However ,

That was all in the past , and the current chisaki clan lives as a tribe in the lonely island afraid to go into the outside world because of the tales of their ancestors . But to their surprise on the night when the island is without protection of the seal hiding it from the world , a rare blossoming was born . The clan gathers around the tent where the chiefs woman was giving birth . The moon was glowing ever so bright and shining down on the tent like a mother covering her child from danger , the stars glittering like sparkles all alined in tribute to the rare but yet fragile human being born that day . The child was born with thick white hair that resembled that of the first chisaki , queen hikari . Her skin was soft and pale like that of a porcelain doll , so fragile but yet holding a bright future like every parent thinks of their child . The first blink of her opening her eyes revealed her bright turquoise eyes that illuminate even the darkest of nights , they glistened like no tomorrow . They were given to her by her mother who was a women with gentle brown hair and the same bright eyes as her daughter . The child seemed to have nothing resembling from her father but you wouldn't know until she grew up , after all she was just born .

The clansmen were surprised by her looks , but will they be even more surprised by her idealistic mind of getting out of the islands comfort zone later on ??

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