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                          Quote :
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die .


Third person pov

Mitsuki runs until she can't breath anymore . Once she catches her breathe she runs again running to her freedom which is so close she can taste it . After at least an hour of running following the beautiful rive she meets a small boat in front of the sea . The salty air blows in her face making her feel refreshed at how she's never been so close to it . She stares at how the moon reflects on the waves making them shimmer with light . Able to see every drop of water splashing out of its waterbed because of the light the moon reflects on it . Mitsuki can almost cry at how happy she is to see this scenery . " there's no time to waste ! Let's get to it ." She says with a determined teeth smile on her face . She runs to the little boat the god told her about and placed her things in there . She's never been on a boat but the adrenaline in her body from the excitement makes her feel happy instead of nervous . The sea is calm tonight giving Mitsuki absence of safety , she grabs pedal of each side of the boat and Begins rowing into the deep blue vast sea that will swallow her the further she goes in . 

She rows until she can no longer see the small island she once lived in . Looking back no hesitation came into her mind . She knew she had to do this and the place she called home before essentially where she belonged .
She drifts on the small boat for hours not taking breaks . Mitsuki knows finding land won't be easy so she was prepared to stay days or even weeks in the sea . She only stops rowing when she eats and places medicine on her hand to take care of the blisters . A 11 year old child can only handle so much .

As she continues rowing the waves seem to become bigger and stronger hitting her tiny boat making it wobble more than before . However Mitsuki will not give into fear knowing the challenges ahead of her are nothing compared to this . She realized these waves are abnormal and grabs her eyes cope which is what she named a gadget she made out of her imagination . It helps you see fat like a telescope but it can adjust to how far you want to see . She looks through the eye girl noticing about a mile away the waves are calm and quiet . Why is it the waves here are violent and all over the place. She rows harshly trying to escape the ferocious waves and winds . It begins to cloud up like a storm is brewing  ?? What's going on she thinks . She has no option but to forcibly pass knowing she can't escape these waves . " crackers !" She yells as a wave almost turns over her small boat . She says random words when mad because she has never liked using bad words . With all her strength and skills Mitsuki manages to keep the boat steady even without experience , leaning quickly and adapting comes in use quite a bit .

She feels as if she's surrounded by something huge under the boat . She looks over to the side and it's darker than other places in the water . Somethings under her and the storm isn't helping . She has to get out of their quick before what under their can make its move .
She tries rowing as fast as she can but it's all pointless . A whirlpool starts surrounding her and her small boat . She tries without stop to escape but the waters are to strong for her frail arms to get out of . Just as she's about to escape something horrifying comes out of the water .

Before her a huge water serpent towers a tiny boat and her . She gasps at how terrifying the situation is . The sea monster stares down at her like a predator waiting for the right moment to eat its prey in a second . It's scaled look rough and edgy covering all its body . It's covered in a type of slim that helps it move quickly through the water . It's eyes completely black with no pupil to see . This monster was those that can only be defeated by gods .
Mitsuki looks at the monster towering her with fear in her eyes .  Will I die before I start my journey ? Is this what the outside world is ? Why wasn't there monsters like this at the island ? There was no talking of sea monsters in the biography's back home ? Millions of questions flash though Mitsuki head . What's going to happen. ?! Will I die just like this !
No tears of frustration or face filled with horror appears on the young Mitsuki . Her blank expression signifies that her head is filled with questions she will never get to see the answer too . She blinks out of it and stand up on the boat that has all her belonging grabbing her thin bladed sword she stand in a fighting position . " look ugly monster ! I may die here but I'm not dying without a fight !" She yells at the top of her lungs . She knows for a fact that she doesn't stand a chance but she will not give up until the end .

She sea monster slithers it's huge body getting ready to attack . Mitsuki stand ready to at least give it a scratch to leave a mark on the world to signify she lived . The monster begins to slither around the boat surrounding Mitsuki to insure its snack doesn't escape . Mitsuki without hesitation in a moment tries to cut a bit of the monsters skin but the worst happens . When she lists her sword and puts all her strength into it bringing it down to its body she flies back at the impact . All her strength didn't even scratch the ginormous serpent I front of her . She's now sitting on the boat helpless for her life knowing she doesn't stand a chance against this thing .

Mitsuki bits her lip exposing a bit of blood in frustration to how helpless she is . The monster keeps slithering around the boat making A tear rolls down one of her cheeks as she whispers " I'm sorry goddess . I guess the hope you had in me was wrong , I don't stand a chance out in the outside world .  " she had lost hope .
She sits there and stares as the monster prepares to eat her and her boat in one bite . It towers over her as she can see its body around the boat like a snake suffocating it prey . It's body could probably surround her entire island she's glad her people don't have to suffer this .

The monster things it's head and lashes out opening it's mouth to eat it's prey in one bite ?!
Mitsuki lifts her hands on top of her head to block the view of her being eaten . But out of the blue her mark given to her by the goddess begins glowing a bright white with shades of grey exactly like the moon . The moon cycle practically looked like the real moon stamped on her . Her eyes closed and she did not want to see the monster before her .

However the monster once seeing the mark backed up , it's eyes dilated with fear . It gave a large his that could be heard across the seas almost turning mistuki death . Mitsuki kept her eyes closed with the fear of being eaten if she opened them . The monster seemed to growl as it was mad over something .

The sea monster sum-erred into the water with such force that could probably create an earth quake . The little girl and boat where swallowed by a huge wave and as Mitsuki tried grabbing onto the boat her sword began to sink . " oh no ! " Mitsuki dived in after her family treasure and was lucky enough to capture it .  That was valuable to her family so she had to at least keep it safe . She swam up to the boat and managed to get on it . Placing everything in order while the violent waves were crashing was difficult as she put on her bag and placed her sword in it sheathe she look up to what was another huge wave .

All Mitsuki could do was stare at it unable to escape once agin from the malicious ways of the sea . She gulped before being swallowed by the violent waters in this storm . She tried getting ahold of the boat but when she did , a wave made such big force above she was pushed to the boat hitting her head on the side before being engulfed by darkness .

What will happen to Mitsuki ?

Will she be able to survive the sea with terrifying monsters ?

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