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Don't look up to someone because there better than you , look up to them for their accomplishments in life .

Third person pov

Both the mysterious man and Mitsuki were now In front of a beautiful castle that belonged to the himari clan . Mitsuki stares at everything in awe as they walk into what she believes is a castle like those in fairy tails .

They walk through a huge metal door and then come to stop at another but this one seems to be different . The door doesn't have handles???
The man then seems to do something extremely weird . He closes his eyes and his hand glows with a yellow aura ?! Mitsuki watches in astonishment wondering what this is , then the man began to write something not visible with his finger . The door seconds later began to open slowly revealing a simple hallways . " mister ? What was that thing you just did ??" Mitsuki asks as she picks up her paste to walk beside him. He looks at her with a weird face . " don't you know about magic ?? " he says in his usual tone but showing a little emotion . " wow ! I didn't know Magic was actually real !" Mitsuki let's a bit of her inner child come out as she is only truly 11.

The man looks at her a bit surprised but then quickly returns to his normal self . " your hair and eyes are quite odd I've never seen anyone with your looks in my life . Where are you from ?" The man asks out of curiosity . Mitsuki knows she must keep her clan a secret so she must makeup something . " Well I was born like this . And my tribe is quite enclosed from the world . I escaped because I did not want to live a simple life , I wanted to be free and do things out of my free will so I left . " Mitsuki explains saying the truth .

" do all your clans people look like you ?" He continues questioning little Mitsuki . " nope it's just me ." They reach a door ornamented with dragons colored a dark green . Inside the dragons mouths were cream white pearls the size of a hand . Mitsuki stares at them attentively trying to memorize the details of it . As they entered an elderly man was on a chair matching the door . Each side had a dragon eating the strange pearls . The man had his eyes closed along with white long head and hair . Mitsuki stared at the man as she then saw the man she was following bow at the elderly man in front of them . " master sesumaru I am here to report ." The blonde strict man said . The old man stayed silent as if waiting for something . " May I ask your name child ?" The elderly man sesumaru asks Mitsuki . She quickly bowed out of courtesy " my name is Mitsuki ." She said . The man stayed silent " why is such a young child like you look so different and carry around an aura that makes you seem untouchable?" He says in a low yet demanding tone " well I don't really know ..... " Mitsuki says with a face full of confidence, she was not scared of the man infront of her for some reason but the pressure in the room let her know he was strong . " I see . Do you want to become my student and learn magic here in our palace ?" The master said . The young blonde man looked up with a face full of surprise to the point we're he couldn't talk , he was not at the level of noticing Mitsuki's odd aura so he did not really understand why his powerful master would want to teach a stray traveler . He looked back at the child and his master attentively not believing what just happened . They both stared at each other quietly . " Can I actually learn magic ?" Mitsuki asks as she tilts her head a little . " I believe you have the talent to learn magic ." Was all sesumaru said , he remained seated and calm throughout everything . " m-master ! I have never heard of you teaching a child .... you only teach those who are extremely gifted! Its even rare for you to teach adults! " The blonde man complains for he worked so hard just to get the old mans attention while this child only had to walk through a door.

" I will explain to you later why , but I must first know what is your answer child ?" the old man asks once more. Mitsuki gives a thinkable face for a while and smiles " yes , I am in your care from now on ."she says as she bows. Mitsuki was definitely interested in what she saw before , she wanted to explore the mysteries of the world that was hidden from her so long. " Hak take my new disciple to her room . " the man told the blonde, Mitsuki only stared in amazement at how much respect the strict man from before had for this elderly man it made her interested in what her new master had to teach her. " what room would you like to give her ?" asked Hak as he was still bowing. "give her the left dragon wing room. " master sesumaru said . keeping his composure Hak bowed once more and began walking through the long hallways once again.

"congratulations you've actually become the disciple of the legendary sesumaru." Hak said as he continued walking at his regular fast paste. "Thank you ! I am truly happy of having the opportunity of learning the splendid thing called magic." they soon made it to a big room with a red door covered by a red dragon. on the other side there was another door that had the same pattern but was blue instead of red . Mitsuki eyed both the rooms with their details "ill be going . be ready tomorrow morning you may roam the place just make sure not to enter the restricted areas. " Hak explained before leaving, Mitsuki stood in front of the door for a while before opening it .It was like nothing she had ever seen there was a bathroom with a huge bed with curtains hanging on the side along with a vanity. Mitsuki walked around eyeing every detail then proceeded to arrange her things in the drawer inside the vanity. After she was done she proceeded to take a long warm shower . It had been days since she last showed and she took the opportunity very well. She was curious about the mansion she was inside so she would want to explore a bit. She changed into a grey long sleeve and black shorts and a strap at around her leg holding a small knife just encase.She wanted to trust the people here but she grew up never really talking to much people so to just trust someone right away was weird and dangerous to her. She combed her hair that now reached her shoulders and stared back on the mirror in front of the vanity . Her eyes stared back at her with a vibrant color reminding her of her mother.She then began her search around the palace.

She made her way through the hallways bringing her into an odd room filled with different kinds of swords covering all the walls. She runs her fingers along the edges carefully scanning every detail about the swords. She remembers how excited she was to first learn her clans sword play . A specific sword catches her eye a back sword katana with a marine blue handle . Instead of being forged by silver it was forged by black gold which was as rare as a diamond on earth . Mitsuki made her way to the eye catching sword and picked it up from it designated space. She traced the details smoothly and griped on to the handle and began to practice , closing her eyes she began to swing the sword the way she wanted to . Gracefully she slashed air multiple times until she heard a creak on the ground not coming from where she was standing.

Quickly Mitsuki turned to the noise finding a boy standing there looking at her .

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