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Nothing hurts mire than the truth


Mitsuki opened her eyes to realize it was morning . Knowing she had done well she got up from her position and began to walk back to the castle we're her master was .  Before she left she turned to see the peaceful waterfall and big tree and smiled knowing she would came back .

She made her way back quickly and opened the door to the himari castle . She walked the now familiar hallways and made her way to her masters room .

" master ." She said as she bowed to the man before her on a chair . " I see you've come back Mitsuki . " her master said . He smiled at her being proud of the fact that she could cultivate for an entire day and night without breaking concentration . " have you mastered cultivation ?"

" master , I'm not sure if I have but as I closed my eyes I could feel the life around me . I could see many colorful auras merging before me even if everything was plain dark . It was quite weird ." Mitsuki said as she stood still with a face full of curiosity's death amusement.

Sesumaru chuckled at her remark " looks like you've mastered it . I'm surprised you can see more than one color of energy aura . It was difficult for me to even see one color yet you can see most already . " his smiling face showed how pleased he was .

" wow was it really that easy ??" Mitsuki asked as her eyebrows shot up in excitement .

" well it depends on the person ."

" master I've been wanting to ask . How do I know I've leveled up ?"

" well when you have a breakthrough a level you feel as if your burning up and you burst a large amount of energy loosening you magi system allowing your body to take in double as much as before . "

" wow ! And how do I start to actually use magic ?"

" well you can start whenever but I want you to practice your cultivation and store energy until you feel completely filled and then begin to train your skills ."

"What difference will that make ?" Mitsuki was anxious to see and feel magic . Her curiosity was ready to explode releasing many questions.

" well it's easier when you have much energy so you won't have to stop to cultivate and save up energy very often . You see your body can only hold power and release so much . " sesumaru let out a sigh and seemed to gloom up . At this point Mitsuki was sitting on her knees listening attentively. " what's wrong master ?"

" you see my child . Do you know why there are not many people in this estate ? "

Mitsuki shook her head signaling a no .

" I think it's time I've told you . " he let his eyes close lightly and reopened them " the himari estate was once a very powerful clan in the divine empire . There were three top clans that rivaled each other throughout the nation . The shu , Nami , and himari . We the himari were the strongest warrior clan out of thee so the shy and nami took us as rivals . We were too strong for one clan to take alone so they both joined together forming a bigger force . A war between us our role and we were left devastated . They surprised us by attacking our fort and blew down everything . We lost many warriors and magicians in the fight along with our castle . We rebuilt our castle but it took along most of our money . We were left broke and with little members . We don't have to right amount of money to up bring such a talented person as you so I wouldn't blame you if you left our clan . I'm sorry if I didn't tell you sooner but I had hope we could get at least some money back but it seems we can't . "

Mitsuki was dumbfounded with all the information she had to process. However she didn't want to leave the clan that accepted her ,a lost child . The person before her became her master and wanted to teach her about magic without knowing her background . She doesn't know what she could be doing right now if it wasn't for him. He opened a whole new world to her without even asking for an explanation and she was grateful . " so what Hak said was fake about only accepting geniuses out of geniuses was fake ?"

" it isn't a lie . We used to do that but now our clan is devastated and without anything special. And Hak can't get over the tragedy so he doesn't want to give up faith in our clan ." Sesumaru looked hurt yet calm telling his disciple the shocking truth .

Mitsuki was not sad or disappointed but furious at the clans who did this because they were afraid of the himaris power . " master you don't have to worry . My loyalty stands with the himari clan ." Mitsuki smiles at her master who was on the verge of tears. Her master was grateful to the small child . " I will work hard to restore the himari clan I swear to you master this is my new goal." Mitsuki said with determination . She was furious at the shu and nami clan who weren't able to face the himari without back up . It was a cowardly move and Mitsuki wasn't going to let cowards like them get away with it .

Sesumaru smiled with such sincere feelings " you are truly a blessing to the himari clan Mitsuki "

" don't worry master I know the himari will be restored to its future self ." She said in an enthusiastic voice .

"Since were talking about magic I'll give you your first magic skill scroll ." He said as he walked over to the door . Mitsuki followed him until they reached a door . Sesumaru lit his finger with a purple flame and touched the door . The purple fire soon began to to ingulf the entire door and it opened slowly . Mitsuki gasped at the sight before her . There was a two story library of schools and books before her . Many small small fairies of light seemed to be placing the books in there correct spaces ?!

" what are those ?!" Mitsuki said as she pointed at the small creatures carrying the books and scrolls . " this are light pixies there made of our light and each one illuminates a beautiful and different color . " Sesumaru explained to Mitsuki . The library was organized and clean with many plants and vines in between spaces making you wonder if it was a library or garden . " why are the light pixies here ?" She asked as she followed one and looked at it place a book in a vine shelf . " there the himari houses loyal servants . They were raised by one of my old comrades who passed away in the war . "

" that's so sad ...." Mitsuki said as she showed a bit of pity towards the small pixies. However Sesumaru ignored Mitsuki's remark and made his way to a small shelf . Skimming through the scrolls he picked out a small scroll that was tapped in bamboo .

" practice your cultivation . This will be the first basic skill you learn . Make sure you don't loose it , these scrolls are precious to the himari clan okay " he gave off a serious yet friendly aura .

" yes master ." Mitsuki said as she bowed grabbing the scroll that held her future skill .
She was excited to learn it so she would have to cultivate nonstop to reach her limit . " I got to go and cultivate !" Mitsuki said as she ran out the library . She laughed as she ran through the halls and into the forest . Excitement consuming her and giving her hope .

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