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Mitsuki had been training for two weeks and was now at her filling point . She worked day and night at cultivating because she knew her master couldn't afford the pills needed to cultivate at a faster paste . She let out a sigh knowing she was now ready for her first skill .

She sat up and grabbed the knife at her thigh and walked to the trees branch . She had been cultivating at the big tree on top of the waterfall for a while now and had set her goal . After her master had told her the history of the himari she was determined to leave her mark and raise the clan that accepted her back into their former greatness. She walked over to the branch and began to carve her name while mumbling " I Mitsuki vow to get strong and bring the himari back into power . " from that day onward every day of hard training she would carve a line on the tree to signify how long she had been training to hel her strive for her goal and motivate her into not giving up .
She placed the knife back in its place and took out the scroll .

The scroll was named creation and she felt ready to give it a try . Opening the scroll she was about to read it when something unexpected happened. Words in a weird language were on the scroll and began to lift . They unstuck and created a tornado of letters making Mitsuki confused . There was a mini tornado of letter forming in-front of her eyes and all she could do was be shocked . She watched as the letters began to form into a long vine . The tip of the vine looked pointy with black ink And faced Mitsuki's way . Without any warning it dashed for Mitsuki's face and trying to guard herself Mitsuki put her hands up in an x position to guard herself . However it was pointless the letters seemed to past her arms like ghost and dissolved at the touch of Mitsuki's forehead . She stood still waiting as the words seeped into her mind .

When finished she brought her hands down and looked at the scroll once again . The words were once again on the scroll as if nothing happened but Mitsuki seemed to know everything by memory . The creation skill used three abilities . You needed concentration ,focus , and control to achieve it . It would be hard to control at first but once you enhanced and practiced the three abilities you would be able to use it at will like second nature .

Mitsuki began to practice . The skill with what she had . Her concentration was great yet her control wasn't for this was her first skill . The energy running through her veins made their way to her fingers making a small circle . She struggled to keep it in shape for it kept disappearing because of her lack of control . However Mitsuki would go on practicing this skill until she could master it .

It took Mitsuki two months to master the creation skill that would be the beginning of her journey to become a mage . She made her way back to the himari castle and into her masters room . She walked in with confidence ready to revive her next skill .

She bowed in-front of sesumaru  as respect for her master . " master Mitsuki reporting " was what she said . Sesumaru smiled peacefully knowing what was coming next. " your quite  the genius learner Mitsuki . Let me guess you've learned the skill creation . " he said in a peaceful matter .

" yes master ." Mitsuki raised her head and saw her master sitting in his chair with smile hidden through his beard . He was the nicest and friendliest old man she had met and was proud to call him master . She did not receive respect for him like her teachers showed her back home . Here she was just a regular mage student learning from her master with no social standing . She couldn't help but feel happy that she had left the island . She wasn't home sick at all because of the many new things waiting to be discovered on this new world she opened up too . " I see . Let's test it out ." Sesumaru said as he lifted his finger . A thunder mini ball appeared at the top of his index finger . " copy all my movements . Mitsuki did as told and made her little ball with the element light . She was still not able to control darkness for a reason but she believed she was not at the level to do so yet so she wasn't really worrying about it . Her master changed his creation to many shapes and after him followed Mitsuki . One after one she copied the shapes correctly until Sesumaru began to make weird creations .
He had made a staff and Mitsuki followed however the staff wasn't special but what it could do was .

" Mitsuki you are just at the beginning of creation you have mastered your control but now you must learn to put your magic into your creation . Floor example this staff ." Sesumaru said as her slowly taped the staff on the ground . Seconds later light sparkled from it and created something else . Mitsuki right away knew what she needed to do . Not only did she have to create it but she had to be able to channel magic through it .

Her master then looked Mitsuki in the eye . The child's eyes sparked with curiosity and amazement as she looked at the magic before her . It was intriguing to see how children were so amused to something Sesumaru found normal and a part of him now . " Mitsuki ?" He asked making the child flinch out of being focused . " yes master she asked? "

" you are young but talented and I want to make this your decision . But will you participate in the clan wars warrior championship aiming up in two years ?" He asked in a serious tone . Mitsuki could tell this wouldn't be something easy if it made her master worry . But she knew it was necessary if she wanted to accomplish her clans glory .
" master I will participate in the name of the himari and even if I don't win I'll strive for success." Her determination was visible through her eyes making Sesumaru sigh knowing she had made her decision.
" okay so let me give you a couple of tips and information. The clan wars championship isn't something to mess around about . When you enter a match you can kill your opponent , so clans from all over divine continent appear there to settle old scores with their kids fighting . The highest level of mages/magicians in the championship will be level three beginner mages or magicians . Usually the shu and nami clans win because they harvest their youngsters with the best pills and formulas to cultivate so they will be ahead of you . Are you sure you want to do this ?"he asked one more time .

However the information did not phase Mitsuki. " master don't worry about me I will join the competition. " she was set and ready to begin her training again with motivation." I forgot to ask . What does the winner get ?" The Devine continent kind allows the winner to go to the mystic mountain and get their spirit animal . " Sesumaru said .

" what's a spirit animal ?"

" well you see it's an animal that merged with your element and is considered a spirit . Its feeds off your element and listens to all your commands . " Sesumaru confirmed .

" why can't people just travel up there by themselves?" Mitsuki asked out of curiosity.

" spirit animals are actually kind of rare . Not all people who go up there get chosen by a spirit and only those at the middle stages will be able to be granted the permission to go up to mystic mountain by the man who guards it . "

" only one man guards the entire mountain ?!" Mitsuki was shook when she head that and was not able to hide her dumbfounded expression.

" yess it is said he's a ancestor magician . And if you want to get into the mountain you must earn his approval and one way is too win the competition. " Sesumaru seemed found of the man he was talking about because of his genuine smile plastered on his face while he talked.

" trust me master ! I'll win !" Mitsuki had no bother of hiding he big cheeky smile . " I'll only use the creation skill at the championship ! I want the world to know how strong the himari are ! " she said in a loud buy enthusiastic look .
Sesumaru laughed at her remark .

" master ? I've been wondering does Athen train in magic too ? " Mitsuki let what weighed in her mind since she had got here .

" well you see he focused on Dou Qi which is channeling the energy in your body and releasing it in hand on hand close combat . He's actually quite the prodigy himself . "
Sesumaru smiles appreciating the students that lived here with him . Mitsuki was amused that there were different types of energy releasing techniques other than magic .

" master I'll be on my way now . " Mitsuki said as she left the room waving her small hand . She was young only 11 but she had great goals in mind along with great determination .

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